<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> PARENTS' WISH - Feedbacks Part 16 (Feb 24 2008 to April 15 2008)
PARENT'S WISH (http://parentswish.com)








(February 24 to April 15 2008)

April 15, 2008

"Thanks, what if the children themselves are old people above 70 years of age when they are unable to practice or adopt the sentiments in your message."

"It was beautifully done. I have already lost my love ones, mom grandmother and great aunt’s, and uncles. Seen and help in most of their burial. I will send this to many and my two daughter’s. to make them appreciate us now…thank you,,,,, flower’s while live, love us while we are here. When we die smile for we live on in you."

"I loved it – I have a mother who is 85 years old and everything in the slideshow she has said to me. I have gotten angry with her for wanting not to eat and wanting to die. This slideshow has helped me a great deal."

"Thank you for circulating this amazing PowerPoint!"

"I received this at the perfect time. I too have had my mother-in-law move in with my family. We have two children ages 14 and 15. She has the beginning's of dementia and there are many days that I get frustrated with her behavior. My eyes weld up after reading this because I have felt many of those feelings and then feel guilty for feeling that way. I am thankful that we are able to care for her and I am thankful for her, because without her there would never have been the wonderful man I love and married in my life. Thank You!"

"I loved this and it made me cry. I would not want my mom to pass away, but I know one day she will and it will leave me all alone. I think people all over should see this and be thankful for having their parents with them now, for one day they will wish they could just call mom or dad or both and say hi, I love you. I see my mom every single day and let her know i am there for her."

"Honestly, an exceptional clip. I shall change my life. Dr. Pralay Pal"

"I loved this and it has such a worthwhile message to all of us plus the song is beautiful. Josh Groban is so talented. Delora Dixon"

"I thought this was beautiful, but how about a little comparison between senile incontinence and diaper changing? Margaret, Adelaide"

April 14, 2008

"Thank you for the work you have done to make 'A Parents' Wish' so beautiful and so accessible to everyone and your thoughtfulness in wanting to share this lesson of communication about old age or illness, this lesson about love between parent and child, this lesson about understanding, this lesson about gratitude, this lesson about joy. I could go on and on; I was so deeply touched by the poem, the music, and the images. they remind me of my parents and their care, and my care of them when they faced illness and death and reminded of my experience of motherhood, and now grandmotherhood."

"Thank you. I sent this to our 2 grown children. In July my husband retires after being a Pastor for 45 years and we are building a house within 20 minutes of our children. We are excited to be near them and grandchildren and know this will be a big adjustment for us. Looking forward to many more exciting years together. Elsa Siriano, Lewiston, NY"

"Thank you.... It made me cry out of sentiment.."

"It touched our hearts greatly and at just the right time in our lives. Thank you for sharing it!"

"My beloved Mother-in-law suffered with cancer the last year and a half of her life, cancer that robbed her of her sharp mind, as well as her vitality. She, too, wished not to be a burden on her family, as she became increasingly dependant on us as the disease progressed. How truly fortunate I felt to be involved with her day to day care, while hating the obvious downward spiral of her health and her mental clarity. On that day we knew was coming, and which none of us wanted to face, when she could no longer speak, or make her wishes known, it was obvious that she wanted something, but we could not be sure what it was. Taking a chance, my wife and I laid beside her on the bed, and as I took this magnificent woman in my arms and bestowed a final kiss, she rewarded me with a smile, then peacefully left us. That final act of love and compassion will, in my mind, be my crowning moment. Thank you so much for this video, and the accompanying music by Mr. Groban. I will think of Granny everytime I play it. It proves that my time was well spent. Jay F."

"I cry every time I see this....It describes beautifully exactly how I feel..... Marilyn Campbell"

"Most alcoholics and addicts have severe grief and loss issues. Your Parents Wish Video would be extremely helpful in our Grief Group that we have weekly for our clients."

"I just watched your slideshow. I work in a personal care home and your slide show says it all so graciously and with such strong meaning. The music is perfect. Please please put this on CD. I would love to show it to staff and at our Resident family council meetings."

"I can't tell you how much this has affected me. I listened several times and cried all the way through. Both my parents and my husbands have gone on and this brought back many memories. When we are young sometimes we can get very impatient with elderly parents and grandparents. If we could only see, when we are young, that one day we will be there too and need the patience and understanding of our children to help us through these very hard times when we can no longer take care of ourselves. I pray this video and the wonderful music will help many to see and understand. Fanny"

"Thank you so much. I sent this to a very dear friend whose Father (we all call him Granddaddy) is faltering. He is living with her and it is so hard for her to see him decline. Granddaddy has been in all our lives for many years. In addition, my mother who is a very smart women has some senior moments now. We laugh about it. Mom has to take her time when she tries to get her thoughts out and sometimes repeats herself. I sent this to her also. It is such a sweet message. I just Boo Hooed. The music by Josh Groban is perfect and incidentally one of my Moma's favorite artist. Thank-you. Nancy"

"I absolutely love this!!! I have worked in Long Term Care for 30 years, and this says it all about dignity and respect."

"I lost my mother to Alzheimers. I lived through the things on the video and it brought back so many memories of the good times as well as the failing years. She was so active during her good years and did so much for her family. She was the best cook and baked several times a week. During the Depression we made do with what little we had, but she always made sure we had decent clothes that she fashioned out of printed flour sack material. She planted a garden and we helped and learned how to can and preserve root produce in a root cellar. We helped raise chickens and learned how to cut them up and can them since we had no freezer. She was the original recycler of everything that could be turned into something useful. This generation could learn from the old folks that had to be so frugal. Thank you for taking me down memory lane, and letting me put my feelings into words. I will play this video over and over. I love the background music, it is so appropriate."

April 13, 2008

"Thank you. This was awesome."

"I have just lost my mother and this Parents' Wish just tore my heart in two. No one who has not suffered the loss of an elderly parent will get the full meaning of this. It is so true and could not have been put into better words. I am sending this to everyone on my e-mail list. I truly cried when I watched this and told my mother I truly understand now."

"This was the most inspiring e-mail I have ever received or seen. While watching it, the tears came rolling down my cheeks. It reminded me of my own mother and mother-in-law when they had dementia, all they wanted was to be treated with dignity and love, which we children gave them. I also cried for myself thinking about parents giving to our children and how they will react with us someday. Hopefully they will remember the care and LOVE we showed and felt for them and care and love us back the same way once we revert to being a child."

"Beautiful!! My parents aren't at that stage yet, but I work with elderly and their families. I wish more could see this. Thank you, it really is beautiful. I sent it to my brothers and sister. Nancy"

April 12, 2008

"I was my 58 year old Mothers care giver as she was dying. This video and song brought back so many feelings and emotions. I will send it to my Children in hopes that they will understand what I might need someday."

"This is beautiful. The words are so real. Thank you so much."

"I received this email at the perfect time. My mother suffers from dementia and lately I've been getting frustrated with her repetitions. What a wake up call!! Even though in my heart I know how much she's done for me and how much I owe her, seeing it put forth this way put a new understanding in my heart and mind. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to go give her a big hug and kiss! S. Hurst"

"This is such an excellent video and as I watched it, I thought of my husband who has memory loss and of my children who will one have the opportunity to take care of one of us. But as I cried I could see more clearly the beginning from the end. It has helped me to accept the inevitable. Perfect with the music that was provided. Thanks for such beautiful thoughts. Margie"

"My mother died. She was a beautiful human being. Loved everyone, and lived each day with a smile. In Dec. 2002 she was set on fire at a hospital in an event called a surgical fire (few know of the risk), and then died from another medical error. I spent two years in a hospital with my mother, bathing her, loving her, feeding her, trying to help her stand, listening to her, and respecting her wishes. This video touched me so deeply. Words can’t begin to describe what I felt. I do feel the video would be appropriate to share with nurses, doctors, and hospital administrators to remind them everyone gets older, and some get sick, and many need help as they age."

"Thank you so very much for sending this to me. It was very touching and did bring tears to my eyes. I lost my mom a while ago. We never knew she was sick and I was always by her side. We were more like girl friends. I miss her very much. Even when your parents are not ill be close to both of them no matter what and always remember you only get one chance in life when it comes to having parents.  Treat them with dignity and kindness in sickness or in health."

"I absolutely loved this video. My Mom suffers from Alzheimer's and it really touched my heart. Beautifully presented!"

April 11, 2008

"This was beautiful. My husband and myself have been faced with a separation from mother because his sister wants it that way. For 53 years he had a wonderful relationship with her. We are facing a loss before she goes. We will miss these final years, she is 87 but I do know God is good all the time and all the time God is good. He knows our hearts. His father is with the Lord and so are both of my parents. I just absolutely loved this."

"After three years of caring for our parents and the passing of them within that time period, this was the most beautiful tribute to the reason we should all be aware of. The love they showed us when we were growing is the same love we need to show them in their aging years. When they want to leave us to be together again with their loved ones, we need to understand that need and not be selfish in our wanting them here. Josh Groban is a wonderful singer and you all put this together in such a beautiful way. Our hearts are healing from their loss, but now happy knowing that we did all we could to make their last years happier. Thank you. T & C Brown, California"

"This is awesome. Thank you."

"Even before I had my son, I knew the immense sacrifices my single mother had to make on the behalf on my sister’s and myself. So many people view their parents and their grandparents as a nuisance and I don’t even have my grandparents in my life. My grandfather on my mother’s side passed away when I was an infant, my grandmother when I was a teenager. My father’s as a teenager as well. I am 33 years old, and I have many ‘adopted’ elderly friends, that their children and grandchildren are too busy to visit or help them in any way. They find that their lives are much too important and have no room for ‘old people’. I started a business with the primary reason to aid the next generation in computer technology. I offer consulting for either small business or residential, keeping my fees low so I can help the next generation understand our new technology. This is often their only source of connection to their wireless, international family. I’m hoping this song is spread not only through-out the country community, but all over the world to remind people that this generation is the reason we are where WE are, and they are the ones that often continue to give US opportunities. That their Wisdom is timeless and invaluable, and that god’s circle of love begins with each of us being a link in his never-ending chain."

"Thank you so much for this video, and it's message! It made tears well up in my eyes! I am sending this on to some who I know do not have patience with their elderly parents, and just need to see things from a different, gentler and teachable perspective. You have done all of us a great service, young and old alike. God Bless you!"

"SO beautiful. Sent to my daughters. My husband has Alzheimers so this was so appropriate. Thank for sending this out for others to enjoy. Leigh"

April 10, 2008

"l think that is so true in life and the song is perfect it made me cry and anyone who see this and read it will have a cry as well."

"The song and message is terrific. A must see for our children and grandkids. Also a must see for aging friends so that the may send the message on to their children. Many thanks to whoever put this together. Gary in Oregon"

"OMG that was so pretty and so true. Both my parents are in heaven now and that was so sad but good. Thank you so much. All the sayings were so true everyone needs to be there for the parents when they need them just the way they were always there for us. God bless. That was so pretty "

"Great Video, My Mother said to me one day long ago: 'I hope I'm not any trouble to you kids when I get old and feeble.' Well she died much to young and when she was to start enjoying herself . GOD took her from us. My Father died at 99+. He was no problem. He really was able to live by himself. I wish they where still alive as I have so many Questions to ask them and now. I will never find my answers. May GOD Bless them both."

April 9, 2008

"During the past 5 years I have said farewell to my parents, and the last few years of their lives, especially my mothers were full of pain and suffering and confusion. My wife and I had the privilege of caring for Mum until the work load got too much and we were forced to put her into full time care. I did as much as I could to make my mum comfortable, and now as I look to what's left of my life, and realize that if it is God's will I will end up the same way, frail, and confused. I sent this off to my 5 children and their response was amazing, sadness and tears as they will have to come to terms with the fact that as we, their parents will be in the same boat that they witness their grandparents. Thank you for a moving and a wonderful tribute. John McLean Australia"

"Such a wonderful reminder. Thank you very much. Both my Father and Mother are gone now. I have tried to return to them what they have given me but in my human weakness, I know I have not even come close. There are so many things I wanted to tell them and do for them, but those moments are now gone. In honor of our Fathers and Mothers, the best thing we can do is to pass on what they have given us, to our children. Again, Thank You."

"This is so moving... it made me cry. It is so beautifully put together... and like it says so many times my mother father grandmothers would tell me stories, sing to me and rock me to sleep. I loved my mother took care of her cause she took such good care of me growing up and she gave me life... and I do so miss her.... so many time I would love to just talk to her, hear her sweet voice just once again.. so if any of you still have a mother, father, grandmother and grandfather, make sure you take good care of them. Marian"

"What a wonderful testimony to the love we show our children. I work with the mentally and physically handicapped, so often they are referred to as the 'Throw away children'. Just like the elderly they require the extra little things to help them along. Thanks again, my own dear mother and father have long since gone, and now I am the elder one in the family. So far, my health is good, but I hope my children and grand children remember this when it isn't. Marie"

"This is awesome! I could not stop the tears. My parents have now passed away but the memories of them will never. It causes one to think seriously about old age and the way we act towards old people when we’re young. I will keep this in a special place. God bless you for sharing. The whole world should have access to this. Jean Bholan"

"Thank you for this beautiful video, I was fortunate to be able to take care both our parents and with God's help I did it and I would do it again. It requires a lot of love and patience but with prayer we can do anything. Glory to God."

"My Mother is not doing well at this time. When I read this and listened to the song I was so touched. I would love to have a copy of this before my Mom is gone."

"It is so moving and beautiful and a good message to all our children."

"As an 81 year old single parent, I wish that I had understood the meaning of the 'cycle of life' depicted in this beautiful presentation. I also hope that my children will also understand the same as I become more dependent upon them and in turn, as they become older and dependent upon their children. Thank you for the beautiful presentation."

"Every time I watch this, I fall more and more in love with it. My parents are 87 and 82, and I would love to get a copy of it for them. As in the video, they consider the computer a curse."

"This was the most beautiful and heart rending video I've ever seen. Thank you so much. I was blessed to have a vibrant and healthy Mom who worked full time in NYC until she was 83 years old. She then became ill and was diagnosed with she lung cancer. She had 1/3 of her lung removed and was determined to return to the job she'd held for a large corporation for 48 years. Unfortunately she never made it back to her cherished position although they held this position for her for a year. She did, however, live the last year and a half of her life as elegantly and vibrantly as she could. Makeup was applied every day along with hairstyling, earrings, perfume and stylish clothing. A lady till the end. As she became more vulnerable she gave us all the gift of allowing us to help her when it was necessary but also just to sit with her quietly as she watched TV and listen intently to her fears and her wishes for when she would leave us. Cutting her food, helping her to bath and dress, holding her hand often and gently, breathing in the all that this wonderful woman's spirit had to give was definitely an amazing experience and I feel truly blessed. As I start to show certain signs of the 'a' word, I'm hoping that my sons and their wives will really listen and take into their hears the true message of this touching video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

April 8, 2008

"Through my tears, I was wishing with all my heart that I had both of my parents back with me. As my mother was dying of brain cancer and not wanting to have me fussing over her, I reminded her of all the times when she took care of me when I was sick and needed her to get me through. Now it was my turn. I can only hope that as my 'days' approach, my children will return the favor to me. You couldn't have picked anyone better to sing the background music than the phenomenal, Josh Groban."

"My wife and I have done this for two sets of parents, we had little patience with their frailties, but struggled through it. Now, we are the ones frail and in need of understanding. I have sent your message to our daughter and our son, who like us many years ago, think we have frailties and are impatient with them and us. I hope your message makes them aware of what lies ahead for them. Thank you so very much and thank you all those who have viewed this and passed it on. Thank you!"

"In a time of such fear and unknown for the future, what a reality check for the 'now'. I hope I will always live by the inspiration and advice in this piece. Thanks to those responsible for this. P. Hudson"

"Our facility received this wonderful video through an e-mail and are so impressed with it. Our facility is a nursing home with a dementia unit, elderly psych unit, in addition to the general population. This presentation would be so wonderful to use as a training tool for our staff."

"I am a Mobile Dental Hygienist in Monterey, California. I clean the teeth of the homebound. I treat every resident like they are my grandparent. I feel it's important to look into the eyes of our loved ones, smile, and to also hold their hands. There is power in touch. Having Alzheimer's is like being in prison. You're locked in your home, and have very few that understand what you're trying to say. Someone picks you up and puts you in a wheelchair. Then someone hands you a plate of food. Then you sit, and wait, until your day comes. Sometimes the only visitor you have is the dental hygienist, and that is every three months. The Alzheimer's patients mean the world to me. They are so happy when I come to visit. I would do anything to do away with this horrible disease. The people with this disease are kind and appreciate everything. Shirley M. Smith, BS, RDH, HAP Monterey, CA"

"It's been 15 years since my Grandmother passed away after living with me and my family we still talk about all the blessings that we shared with her and wouldn't have done anything any different. I am so touched by this and it brought back such sweet memories. I am now dealing with my parents getting older and their minds aren't what they was but I wanted to thank you for reminding me how to cherish each and everyday with them. Thank you so much for beauty you bring to every ones lives with this. Candis"

"I just lost my husband a month ago. This brought me to tears. I'll play it often. Its so beautiful. Mrs. Elaine Kunz. I'm79 years old and needed some thing like this to enjoy life a little more. Thanks again."

"My mother suffered from dementia and passed away in May 2007 at age 81. I wanted to play this song at her funeral, because she always inspired me, but the Roman Catholic Church only allows hymns. That is too bad, because this song would be a touching tribute to any of our passed loved ones. Thank you so much. It brought many tears to my eyes, but also brought back wonderful memories of my mother. God Bless you."

"This is beautiful. I work with the elderly and their caretakers."

April 7, 2008

"My mother is failing at age 90. I am the principal caregiver other than the loving professionals that take care of her at the retirement home. I am often asked by friends 'How do you do it? - it takes so much out of you'. This CD tells it all! I would be blessed to have a copy to help others who become caretakers for their loved ones and need lifting up when they are weary. Thank you SO much!"

"I just watched your video and it says so much!! The song by Josh Groban has long been a favovorite. Thank you so much for putting this together. I will send it on to my 5 daughters and some nieces. God bless you all."

"I work In aged Care. I think this would be worth having as a training exercise. If it doesn't hit the hearts of the people training they should not be in the industry!"

"What perfect timing. Going through tough times right now. Brings things right back to where they should be. Thank you !!!!!"

"What a moving and TRUE message!! My Mom is 91 in the nursing home and I have experienced much of what is portrayed in this slide show. She is so dear to me and I always want to make things better or get her to eat more etc.! Often I need reminding that her desires and needs are not mine and should be honored even if I do not agree. She sees things in a different light that no one can fully understand till they walk in the shoes of old age. I hope anyone that has a parent or grand parent living will watch this slide show often. DeColores, Scott Jones, Mississippi"

"I remember having to scold my older sister as she criticized how our mom repeated herself and forgot things all the time. I would remind her of all the stories I had heard about her as she was growing up and that someday she might experience what our mom was going through. Of course she assured me that she would "never get that bad" and she was raising her kids differently. Never say never sis......you're there now. You're now our 'mom' and you bring a constant reminder of how much we do miss her repeating stories and faltering memory. But we'll never criticize you because we love you just the way you are."

April 6, 2008

"I feel an angel sent me this (one of my friends). I am taking care of my mother, who is going to be 93 this year. She has Alzheimer and some day are hard and some days funny. She can make me laugh. My sister also cares for her. My sister and mother was very close. But I feel this has been a gift from God for me. I just feel such love that I get from caring for her, even if she doesn't know me. Last week she was asking about my father, and I just said he was with Jesus. She started crying and said she 'just wanted this over.' Of course then I am crying and telling her no. After reading some of the letters it helped me. I will send this on to all my friends. Thank you for this site. God Bless, Donna"

"Thanks and keep up the good work."

April 5,  2008

"My father will be 89 years old in May. I find myself lately becoming quite critical of his eating habits and his constant repetition of the same stories. After watching this video, reading the words and may I add, crying for quite some time, I will never again remind my father that I have heard the story before too many times. This video is truly an eye opener even for the hard-hearted. I’m positive that there are many out there such as I was who now understand and are quite willing to change our attitudes. I want to read the poem in Church and sing Josh Grogan’s song on Father’s day or Father’s day week at church as well. Thanx for this lovely reminder that we will all (or at least most) be in the same position. someday. The lesson will remain the same! It is timeless! Thanx again. Terry Stiles, Ontario, Canada "

"Thank you so much for the inspiration, I wish every one would read it. Bless you all."

"I absolutely loved the email I received from a friend and would love to have the CD to show the carers that I am in contact with."

"I have always loved that song but with the words it takes on a whole new meaning. Inspirational to all who watch. Thank you so much. Helen from Australia."

"I want to tell you how beautiful it was as that is the way I have always lived my life. I am 29 now and cared for all 4 of my grandparents and my parents until they died 4 of them recently. It was really nice to have my way of life put into such beautiful words. I would hope that I can pass that on  to my kids. Thanks Again."

April 4,  2008

"It is fabulous. Just lost my Dad after caring for him for four years. What a tribute to him. Thank you!!"

"Please don't ever take this off the web, everyone who goes through life needs to see it."

"This is one of the most awesome e-mails I have ever received. I lost both of my parents fairly recently, and this sure did bring a tear, or should I say many tears to my eyes. I'm so glad I spent as much time with them as I could. I am sending this on to as many people that I can, my children included. Thank-you. This one is put in my 'Keep me Folder' and I will be listening to it again."

"My mother sent this to me on a particularly hard day for me (unbeknownst to her). My mother is ill but has so far maintained quite well. I’ve recently discovered that I’m not as emotionally as strong as I thought I was and hope that she hasn’t noticed. I’m trying to be strong for her and for myself. This video came at a time when I was feeling most weak and vulnerable about life’s future and it’s kind words brought tears to my eyes. Now all we need is to make a Child’s Wish for our parents."

"I work at a nursing home and see how hard it is for the families and residents to adjust to the new living situation. It is so hard on the residents with dementia that do not understand why they are at our facility and the residents who do not even recognize their family. It is also very hard on the children to have to place their parent in a nursing home. We have a  'Meet my parent' at our facility a few times a year. At this presentation a child will tell all about their parent. What they were like and how they came to be with us at our facility. It is so neat to hear how a resident used to be and see how you may be able to bring up those parts from the past to relate with them. I wish society would view the elderly as more of a blessing than a burden. Thank you for the video."

"Excellent in very touching video slideshow."

April 3,  2008

"This was beautifully eye-opening. Starting TODAY, instead of interrupting and trying to interrupt what my mom mother is saying to me, I will simply listen and smile at her with the same eyes of love that she has given me my entire life. Thanks."

"Well that was lovely, so lovely in fact that I am in tears, make-up ruined and now totally wrecked for the next couple of hours!!!! I'd love to keep a copy for when I get irritated by elderly people. This is so very true!! Thank you."

"My agency works with seniors and Nursing Homes in the Central Missouri Area. They found the video very moving. Thanks for sharing."

"That is absolutely Beautiful."

"I just want to say that this was so sweet to have read. I just lost my mother and I have been thought all that had been said in that video. My mother used that song when her mother passed away and it means a lot to my family. And to have that song playing with those words. It really did go great together. I hope that you do more videos."

"I enjoyed Parents' Wish. I am now 82 and just pray my family will be as willing to take care of me as I was my parents. I worked Swing shifts and although there were 6 more siblings, I was the one that did most of the care taking. I didn't resent it as they weren't off work the hours my parents needed to go places like the doctor or grocery shopping. They all did what they could and I think my parents knew they were loved very much. The Lord has blessed me and my Children and grandchildren and In Laws all help me when I need help."

"I would like to express my feelings in regards to PARENTS' WISH. My mother and I watched it together and it had us both in tears especially since we lost my grandpa and grandma two years ago. Now all that's left is mom, me and my 11 year old son. I have a heart condition, a pacemaker with defibulator and congestive heart failure. The doctor says I have 10 years and I was 40 when he told me that.  I'm 42 now my mother is a cancer survivor we live next to each other I think its because we are scared. So thank you for the cleansing for today. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

"I found some of the things touched upon to be moving and important. I think anything of value can stand alone, however, without using comparisons that carry an inherent sense of guilt and duty. I feel that making mention of the things the parents did for the kid growing up, betrays the nature of parenting and, in fact, the nature of family. V. Bergem"

"This is such a wonderful video. It breaks my heart, because I know every word written throughout it is true. The end is inevitable for all of us and the thought of losing a loved one is never easy. I’ve recently lost both of my in-laws and my grandmother. My father-in-law spent his last year of his life in a nursing home which was a difficult decision. There were many days when I would visit that I would feel like he didn’t know just how much he meant to me, hopefully he did. The message from the video reminds everyone to not be impatient with those we love, for they have given their patience to us many a day. God bless our parents for caring so deeply!"

"I have watched this several times and am still moved. Thank you so much! I know about the eating problem. When my mother-in-law, who had cancer, did not feel like eating (or only ate a small amount), I had to remind my husband to not get upset with her. She would go to her room and eat nothing. I was the 'peace maker' and had to go to her to 'smooth her feathers'  and try to encourage her and tell her he was just concerned."

"All I can say is BEAUTIFUL and oh so sadly TRUE! God Bless our Elderly they are at times just 'reborn' children. Charlie Van Dien, Saint James, Missouri"

April 2,  2008

"I'm a DON (Matron) in a Nursing Home and this would be brilliant for staff and families alike. Thank You"

"Special thanks for the Parents' Wish email clip sent to me by a friend. This is a creative, beautiful and heart moving piece of reality in our life - we all grow old. Some grow old peacefully and some fight it to the very end, just may be it depends where they are in their life journey. In these fast moving times we all need to stop, look and listen to our elderly who have wisdom and survival skills that appear to be looked upon with ridicule, because they don't appear to fit into a certain expected criteria. I had tears rolling down my cheek as I think of my parents approaching this stage. Jane."

"My mother had Alzheimer’s and your movie brought tears to my eyes."

"It is beautiful!"

"So very necessary to everyone, young and old. It’s honest, heart warming, and so true!!! Thanks for knowing who to send this to. Love, A MOM."

April 1,  2008

"Excellent, brought tears to my eyes as I thought about my Mum and Dad who are elderly and not well. It made me think of my grandchildren and how much I love them. A few moments in a busy day to reflect, Thank you Cathy"

"Such a beautiful reminder!!! Just arrived back in Saskatoon from visiting my aging parents who are having a few problems. This email was waiting for me - a reminder that we all will be 'there' at one time - if we are lucky!"

"My thanks for reminding me of how I must be patient and respectful with all those I love; whether family, friends, or just someone we know. My father lived to be 90 years of age, and he often said to me 'once a man, twice a baby', which has brought about more meaning to me as I age. Whenever I do or say something that I think my family would think childish, I remember my father's statement. I will be forwarding this to family and friends. I also plan to type a copy of the poem to place in a church bulletin. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS. Joy from Wisconsin"

"I watched this over and over again. After just driving 1500 miles with two kids and my boyfriend to visit my parents for a week in Florida, this really hit home. My dad isn't doing too well with his chemotherapy and needs a defibulator in his heart. My mom has had on-going health problems for years. This video brought the inevitable to the forefront- one that I can't bear to even think about. I have already committed to taking care of my parents when/if they ever need me. It's not that I owe it to them, it's because I want to do it, as they wanted to, and still want to, take care of their little girl- me! The tears that I shed during the viewings of this video (that my parents sent to me) just reinforced how much I love them and will be there for them as they have always been there for me. Thank you........."

"I work in a nursing home and felt it would be beneficial to use for inservices periodically."

"I was so moved by the video that I cried. I volunteer once a month at a retirement center with the elderly. I like to share some of my e-mails that I receive. Thank you so much for sharing and who wrote this. The video is just beautiful."

"Beautiful! I'm sending it to my children and adult grandchild. I hope they let the message fill them with patience. Thank you so much."

"Today, my sis from Florida sent me the URL for the very beautiful presentation. It is so amazing how things fall into place, how things come to you when you need them the most and how total strangers end up holding your hand. Only yesterday, I completed a seminar/workshop on Angel Communication and Therapy. Last week my mum was diagnosed with Blood Cancer. And I had decided that no matter what, I will not get upset or angry or irritable with her at all. And this morning I opened your incredible clip that brought tears to my eyes and made me re-realize so many things. My heartfelt thanks to you and all my angels who make life a pleasure even in the dreariest of moments"

March 31,  2008

"Just two words: Thank you."

"So very moving. Thank you for this."

March 30,  2008

"Thank you so very much for such a heart and eye opener. My Dad died 4 years ago with Alzheimer and my Mom is 84 and her health is failing fast. It made me realize how important it is to make the best of the time I have left with my Mom. I think we are so selfish with our own life and we forget the time we need to share with our love ones that are getting old. I just can't say in words how much the song and the words meant to me THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. May God Bless you and touch you in a way only you will know. Hugs, Brenda"

"I am 85 years old and so this prayer reaches right to my heart. I will send it on to all my peers. I was care giver to my mother and husband and fight for my own right to stay in my home as long as I can. Independance at our age is so important and so much easier with our children's understanding and consideration."

"This was one of the most beautiful and heartfelt videos I have ever seen. I am a registered Nurse working in Long Term Care. I would like all my staff to view this video. It is a gentle heartfelt reminder to care both physically and emotionally for our older clients and how important it is to allow them to be independent and treated with great respect and caring. As my parents age I see the once former vibrant individuals slipping away and it breaks my heart, however they still are my parents whom I love and respect daily. This video brought untold tears, a sense of loss but at the same time made me smile as I remembered their assistance in my growth and development. I am only too proud and willing to be there for them. Thank you for a wonderful and meaningful few moments in my life today. I will replay this often and if I am frustrated with work this will bring back to the fore front of why I love gerintology. Brenda ( in Canada)"

March 29,  2008

"Awesome!! Thank you. Joyce"

"What a touching and beautiful piece! Many times when my children gave me an especially challenging time in my life, I would joke, 'Please remember this when I am old and grey and in a nursing home.' My mother sent this to me, I need to tell her thank you. I am now anxious to show it to my children as well as the Life Span Development class which I teach. Just today I discussed dying with dignity in class. While I see active euthanasia as wrong, I have known people who were suffering and wanted to die a natural death rather than be kept alive by extraneous means. This piece was not about dying though, it was about living, loving, caring and respect."

"Lovely!! TY. Reed Powers- TV Senior report."

"I thought it was very beautiful and heart warming toward myself because I'm a single parent and thinking back when my children were small this is how it was like and myself when I was just a small child with my grandparents. Praise GOD. GOD bless. Love in Christ. Steven:

"I just had an unpleasant conversation with my dad last night because he was being very stubborn. This morning I viewed your email. I just cried."

"Wonderful! Thank your for taking time to have this slideshow available for public viewing especially for us here in the Philippines. I pray that many children will come to realize the value of loving and taking care of their parents. The message is true and real. It touches my heart. God bless.(MLS)"

March 28,  2008

"This was absolutely beautiful in every meaning of life especially with the vocals of Josh, that can get your heart open and arouse your feelings. This is the true meaning of life in a song that I hope will stay with you forever and ever as with myself. God Bless Everyone."

"What a wonderful, beautiful message to parents and children. I think this is a must see for every child who has become the 'parent' to aging parents, and to share with parents so children can show them they understand what they are going through."

"Thanks, I needed to be reminded how special my parents are, that they are to be honored, not forgotten!"

"I  love the message and while reading the message I really felt the message in it. Thank you for Larry he had sent me this and thanks for keeping us reminded."

"I want to tell you that I am grateful to you for the Mother's Wish. My mom and I never got along and she wasn't warm toward me at all. I gave her a copy of your Mother's Wish and it hit her hard. We are now close and are talking and she is more wonderful that I could have ever imagined. Thank you for bringing a mother and daughter together. Linda."

"Cried my eyes out but it made me feel better about letting go of my mother. I will forward it to the care homes and administrators that I have been struggling with since my mother has suffered neglect and abuse in their care. She was a nurse and suffers from vascular dementia, bladder and bowel incontinence, arthritis, diabetes and a heart condition. I hope this will wake them up from the desensitized robots many have become and has an impact to get them to be more compassionate about how they treat the seniors in their care. Love back to you for such a beautiful and healing message. It's sooo hard to let go.... such is life... Marion Ziolkoski."

"Absolutely beautiful. I am dealing with an aging mother and it really helped me to be more patient and understand what she is going through in life and that she loves me no matter what. I will definitely forward this to my friends. Thanks."

March 27,  2008

"Absolutely beautiful!!!"

"I just want to say that there are just no words to describe how I feel when I view this email-it is so heartbreaking but yet uplifting to me. I have both of my parents (thank you God) but the day will come that I lose them (I can not imagine) but this presentation will help me to let them go. You have helped me to know how it feels to be tired and ready to go home to be with God and I thank you. I would love to thank the many people that worked to put this together-it is awesome.. You have done a wonderful job.. AGAIN-THANK YOU. Sue Snyder"

"I've always loved that song and hearing it and reading those words were beautiful. I lost my father 2 years ago and my mom will be 80 this year. She always thinks she causes us trouble or bothers us and I learned a long time ago that she doesn't and I tell her so. The only thing that gets me through my father's death is knowing that I did everything for him that I could and always told him that I loved him, as I tell my mom every day and my children. Thanks again for a beautiful email."

March 26,  2008

"My mother-in-law recently entered a skilled nursing facility due to the progression of Alzheimer's..........this really hit home. I don't know that I have ever been as moved by anything........thank you and know that you have truly touched many lives in a profound manner!"

"We will be holding appreciation dinners for the volunteers who drive, visit and telephone seniors. I think this would be very touching for them to see and hear."

"I defy anyone to be able to watch that without weeping. My darling Dad has Parkinsons and sending us the Parents' Wish is his way of telling us how he is feeling. I love my dad very, very much, more so for having the courage to deal with his disease and live a full life in spite of it. Thank you."

"When this video was e-mailed to me, I had just lost my Mom to a long battle of Alzheimers. It broke my heart to look back over the last six years and see that Mom went through all these stages. I often wondered what she was thinking and prayed that I would give the correct answers to questions I did not understand, if she was hungry, in pain or what she could understand. I wish I could have viewed this video at the beginning of Mom's disease. It made me realize how precious life is and to cherish our moments. I look back and remember with joy all the times I spent with Mother just spending time and enjoying the beautiful flowers even though I made have felt I had other things to do. Thank God I did take the time and know I have those memories. Thank you again and God bless your ministry. G. Rice"

"My Mom suffered from Alzheimers for several years--this touched my heart so much."

"Thanks for considering us slow pokes on dial up. Very few do. I am typing this by touch type as my eyes are still watered up from the tears! I LOVED 'You Raise Me Up' when I first heard it sung by Michael Burgess (at a live benefit performance). Then I discovered Josh's version was in commercial release and was overjoyed. Couple that with the images...."

"I want to thank the person who sent this to me. I am a servant of God and this song inspires me to send the message of hope to others. This song touches your heart in what God is saying to us to make us strong in times when dealing with, problems that is to hard for us to carry alone. It reminds us if we just lean on Him we will be stronger, he is there for us. I say to God be the glory, He is to be glorified at all times. Thank you for this song, I do send this to others. God bless you."

March 25,  2008

"Thank you so much, I really enjoyed this presentation and although I am a grandmother now, I thought back on my parents and my grandparents and made me understand some things even move. I thank you for this."

"I haven't lost a parent, but, I did lose my Grandma. She meant the world to me. She was everything, most of all she was my best friend. When she died a part of me died with her, and I kind of understand what they are saying, for my Grandma, was my mothers best friend too. After viewing this video it really made me think that I really don't want to live with regrets and that I should really cherish every moment that I have with my mother, and I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention, we should already cherish our time with them, and need not be reminded to do so."

"So very touching. It actually brought tears to my eyes. My mother turns 85 this July 1, 2008...so many times she will apologize for 'What she thinks' putting me to so much trouble doing things for her. I love her dearly, and I can see she is getting weaker as each year passes. Thanks for sharing a beautiful video...touching my heart and soul. I did forward to my children and hope one day they will feel and understand the same."

"I am so happy someone saw, heard and took an initiative to put this to words that everyone young and old can understand how we always may need help as we travel through this life. I saw this with my parents and have wished so many times I had been more aware of what they may have needed great or small or if even at all, ask them in their more senior years do not just assume you know better for them. Thank you for this most wonderful writing to help us be more thoughtful and to remember some day in our larger numbered years what we my want our younger family and friends to remember. Thank you in advance for your Helping Hand."

"ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! It's an honor to watch this. Thank you."

March 24,  2008

"My beloved Father passed away on 2/28/08 and I am so sad without him. I pray that I did for him all that was asked in the movie. I love my Father and I miss him terribly. I struggle with the questions I have now that will never be answered. I pray to God that he gives me peace at this difficult time. That song 'You Raise Me Up' is also on the Celtic Woman CD that I found among Pop's things - I listen to it in my car and it makes me think of him and cry. I trust that this pain will lessen and some day I will be able to think of my Father and smile, not just cry. But right now I am consumed with grief. Maureen E. Gilchrist"

"It started out beautiful, and by the end I could hardly see the writing through the tears. This is beautifully scripted, to beautiful music and if everyone took a little time for each other, we'd live in a much happier and peaceful world! Thank you for creating this masterpiece!"

"I would like to receive your emails as often as I can receive them. I have tried through MSN my home page but unable to do so. This is a wonderful website recommended by a friend."

"This is lovely and thought provoking."

"I am an RN on an extended care and hospice unit of the VA, and I would love to have all staff, students and families view this. Thank you so much."

"Excellent as a teaching tool in healthcare."

"This is so nice. Took many Times to see It after Tissue breaks. I'm taking all the Old slides that Dad took over the 60 Years of Our lives. Putting them on the Computer. Makes You think, Dad and Mom were Younger then. Now I'm older than them in the Pictures. Thanks for the Memories. J.F.Lundeen"

March 23,  2008

"I can relate to this presentation."

"This would be great at my nursing home."

"This was simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with the world – I hope."

March 22,  2008

"Beautiful, What more can I say, I sent to my children and hope they will heed the words as my time draws nearer, Thank you, Marie"

"I tried to watch this video three times before I was able to get through the whole thing. I lost my dad only two months ago so I am still raw inside. He was sick for several years, but the final few months were the worst. Everything in this video is so true. My parents taught my two brothers, two sisters and me pretty much everything here. I so wish dad was still around so I could listen to his stories and watch his eyes light up when he sees his grandchildren. I will try extra hard to remember these wonderful thoughts with my mother. Fortunately, she is not ill but she is very fragile right now, as we all are. Thank you for putting things back in perspective. Sometimes we forget how the circle comes all the way around. Of course, I cried throughout the whole video. The song has extra special meaning because when we surprised my parents with a 50th wedding anniversary party, we dedicated that song to my parents along with a wonderful photo slide show of their last 50 years together. To this day, my mother still cannot listen to the song, even though it's been 2 1/2 years since then. Family is so very precious and I thank God every day for the one I have. Thanks mom and dad, for teaching us how to treat each other and respect each other and love each other. I would like to believe that your Parents' Wish has already come true, to a certain extent and will continue. Again, thank you so much for sharing this caring, thought-provoking work of love. Patti"

"I so enjoyed this video. It brought tears to my eyes and brought back wonderful memories. Although I lost my father in Nov, 2006 and my Mother in May, 1988. My father had dementia, to some degree, but died of complications of a different manner. But I am knocking on the Golden Years myself, and I sent this to my children and some family and friends in hopes it will let them know of how this made me feel  and how I feel about them. I would love to know when this is put on a video . Thank You so much for sharing. K.R. in Las Vegas, Nevada."

"As a Social Worker with Hospice of Palm Beach County, I see the struggle daily between caregivers and elder parents. This slideshow was truly beautiful, and really accurate. I was very touched by the messages that were portrayed. We need to listen to our older generation, and learn from their experiences, but most importantly, maintain their dignity in the final stages of their lives."

"This was very moving. My parents are 80 and 82 and still living in the home they built in 1950 and my sister and I grew up in. This presentation made me think of the last time I visited my parents and I wasn't quite as patient over some minor things with my dad as I could have been. This will help keep things in more perspective."

"Wonderful! This was forwarded to me by a young man (now a grandfather himself) whom I used to baby-sit! I am 81 years old, mother of ten, grandmas of 17, and the greats now number 30+. All 10 children survive even though nine are veterans of the military! I have been so blessed and only wish I had seen this before my own beloved mother died at 89 after rearing me alone – as a widow! Thank you more than words can say!"

"Oh Wow! This is so true I just lost My Mom, Best friend and Mentor on March 3, 2008. I found myself in this situation. I thank you for this video it is a true Blessing, I would watch it when I needed a reminder which was everyday. I am so thankful I was able to care for her. I could tell she was really getting weak and so tired of being sick, I sat down and told her she was the best Mom I could have ask for and I thank GOD for the 46 years He loaned her to me she is back in her Heavenly mansion and I will see her someday . I LOVE YOU MOM your daughter Donna 3-22-08 miss you so much!"

"Thank you so much for a beautiful 'wake up call'. The young cannot picture themselves as old. If it can change just 1 young persons opinion about the elderly maybe respect will follow. What an experience this was. Will Josh ever make a Gospel album? Barbara Hasty, 71 Blountstown, FL"

"This was such a touching video, It truly made me remember how much our parents did for us while growing up and still do now that we are adults, married and have children of our own. Our parents have helped us grow up to be wonderful people and parents by teaching us all their wisdom and knowledge, and that we may continue teach others. I work in a nursing home and see so much love and happiness in the residents eyes when family/ friends come to see them, even for a short time. They may not always remember us but the joy of talking to someone who will listen to their stories or read to them is tremendous. I will pass this on to my sister and brother. Thank you for creating this video and reminding me of why I am so successful in life! THANK YOU MOM AND DAD. Tina Lopez, Medford, Oregon"

March 21,  2008

"This is so great."

"So many do not take the time in this day and age to UNDERSTAND and have compassion. I wish everyone had to read and hopefully would also be able relate to your selection. Thank you for sharing."

"I wept when I read this message because it brought back such painful memories of my mothers death. What a caring and loving mother she had been before the cruel illness of her mind robbed her of her dignity. She had been a wonderful mother who had worked hard and made many sacrifices in her life to give her family what she had never had.  I have loving family who suffered because I neglected them whilst I focused on my mother's needs but thankfully I now know they understood that I was hurting too and I can only admire them for that. I have sent this message to them because one day they will need to know that we all need 'extra' love at sometime in our lives. Be it young or old and that you're never too old to hurt. I tell them a mothers love gives you something that shapes you and makes you the person you are today and I hope for many years to come I can continue giving them my unconditional love! I want to thank all involved in this message. It has made me see that other people have also suffered and are still suffering . Believe me 'guilt' can only be destructive. But doesn't have to win!  Just carry on loving your loved ones and give them the respect they deserve.  This message made me realize I am not alone. A broken hearted daughter of six years!"

"We enjoyed the website parentswish.com."

March 20,  2008

"This message has been in my in box for 14 days now. I just played the video today and cried. This past Wednesday I visited my father in the Nursing Home, he has dementia, and for the first time the visit turned out all wrong. I brought out the worst in him and the entire visit was very hard. There were things said that weren't meant by both of us. I left in tears. Even though my husband and I had tried to have my father here in our home, he was only able to stay about 3 years before he turned so angry with us. I do know kindness and patience is what it takes, but Wednesday was not a good day for me and it showed. After seeing this video it will make me realize that the hour and half that I am with my father I will need to take anything that comes along. Those moments will be precious to me always. Sundays when I take him out to eat and bring him home with me to sit on the front porch will be much easier now. He has been in the nursing home since August 2007 and declining lately. The smiles and laughs will be much sweeter after reading this. GEORGIA IN GEORGIA"

"I was grateful to read some other negative responses, like mine. I come from a physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive family--and one of my parents forwarded this video to me. The slideshow will get a variety of reactions depending on the context that each of us lives within. To have this forwarded to me by one of my perpetrators was, needless to say, a disturbing experience. At the same time, I do agree completely with the sentiment behind the making of the video. I deeply treasure a connection to older generations. Many of them deserve our tremendous respect and nurture. I just prefer to have the freedom to interact with and care for those persons of my own choosing from those generations--the ones who did not make my life miserable for so many years until I found the courage and safety to encounter these issues in therapy."

"I thank my special friend APRIL for sending this to me. It is the best thing I have received in years and I have sent it on to my 2 grown children. I hope they remember this when I am REALLY OLD."

"Thank you for your beautiful Josh Groban music/Parent video."

"Unfortunately, my parents have passed on to be with the Lord. Fortunately, they both taught us (myself, a brother and a sister) the principles contained in this heartfelt message. They taught by word and by deed in the way they treated their own mothers as both of their fathers were not 'around' when we came into this world. The music, song and words, reach deep into my heart and my love and appreciation for my parents grew with the affirmation of the wisdom they shared before leaving. My wife and I pray that we have also passed this wisdom to our children. Thank you. Mike Vinson, Tennessee"

"I’m 62 and care giver for my 92 year old mom. This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m angry most of the time, but I usually get myself together. I know that God never takes us down paths without his control. Thanks for the wonderful video. It was emotional, but enlightening. Thanks again."

"This was a very moving and very touching presentation. Thank you for putting this all in perspective."

"This is an excellent video. I live in a retirement community and many are suffering from early stages of dementia, halyards (spelling??). The man across the street had to go to a nursing facility and there are parents of our residents and the owners in our association with this growing problem."

March 19,  2008

"I'm living with disabling illness and I'm 52 years old. I pray my children will see this and take it in. It brought tears to my eyes and my heart. My parents have been gone for 20 years. I wish I had them to care for."

"This presentation is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for what you have put together. I am in my golden years and I intend to send this connection to a few others that will love it as well.""

"This is by far one of the most beautiful things I have seen in a long time, and Josh Groban is one of my very favorites. I am 70 years old and have no children, but I have sent it to several of my friends who do. I pray that they will share it with theirs."

"We very much enjoyed this montage."

"I have had the privilege of viewing this slideshow in the past but truly enjoyed seeing it again when it was sent to me in an email today. As a caregiver for my in-laws I know we have good days and bad days. At times, patience is a struggle. My only out is an occasional movie but my mind continually thinks about the current happenings around my own home. So, it occurred to me that this is something I would enjoy and wish I could see in a movie theater while waiting for the movie to start. Can you imagine sitting in a theater viewing something as positive and thought provoking as this? It sends a message for every age. It would be a peaceful prayer for those that need it. Just a suggestion. God bless you for the work you have put into making this available to the public. Regards, Teressa Passons"

March 18,  2008

"This is one of the best videos i have ever seen. It touched me oh in my heart. Thank you if you ever get it on DVD please email me. I would love to pass a bunch of copies to some of the siblings who don't know what they have in my parents (just lost my dad)."

"Thank you for this beautiful slideshow! NOTHING in life matters more then my kids and maybe someday they can care for me the way I care for them, If not I will forgive and hope that the nearest nursing home will care a little."

"Love the video! Thx to all who had a hand in it."

"Well first of all that brings tears to my eyes. My mother is dying. She is on hospices right now in my home. I have taken care of her for 5 years now. She has Alzheimers. It's been a long hard road and this song says it all. I miss my mom, thanks for this wake up. Love to have this CD."

"Thank you so much for your presentation. I had a mother who suffered 8 long years with Alzheimers so I can relate very well. I forwarded this on to both my pastors to use in their work. Thanks again. D. Dunvn, Illinois"

"Beautiful, and accurate."

"I, as an older parent, appreciated this video immensely. I hope it brings families closer to each other."

"This is such a lovely program."

"I am caregiver for my ex-in-laws. I am 64 years old and they are the only parents that I have left even though the divorce decree said that they aren't. They had two choices, either let me care for them or sell their home, not worth much, and go to a state facility for the aged. It almost killed them when they had to be there for a short time when they need therapy and I know they would die quickly if they had to go back. They have both told me they would rather die. So now to 'a parents wish', response. I have been at the point of being angry because I have to clean 'another dirty diaper' and can't understand why my ex mother is embarrassed to have me help her. I do get upset when they don't want to eat. I do get teed off when I have to clean the bathroom floor three times or more a day because she didn't quite make it to the toilet. I don't stop to think why she couldn't or why she walks around for several minutes before she finally remembers what she was doing. Parents' Wish showed me how cruel I am to be angry or upset or anything but caring with them. I lost both my parents several years ago and I pray that I didn't do this to either of them. Thank you for showing me that I need to be a little, no I should say a lot more understanding. Thank you for this wonderful Easter gift of love. Thomas Wells"

"My sister has just sent this beautiful piece to me, and I thank-you and her for it. I am; as are my siblings, extremely thankful that we do not have to be reminded of the things you have put in your heartfelt presentation. We are blessed each day with the knowledge that we have spared no love, patience, time, or the essence of nurturing on my frail and aging parents. We thank God each day that we have them, (one) more day...to express to them our sincere gratitude for their sacrifices to us. We've left no thoughts of unsaid, no opportunities untaken. This painful, wonderful journey, that we all must take... Thank-you again."

"Beautiful - my sister in law sent me Josh Groban's music You Raise Me Up. Almost lost it, but had to stop and remind myself that wherever my parents are going, I am helping them prepare, in their journey. I will keep this in mind forever as a reminder to be patient, compassionate and kinder as the years go on and pass this legacy on to my children, in the hopes that they too live long enough to help me with my eternal journey toward our heavenly Father. I will pray to God that you can get this message out there so everyone can remind themselves of the true meaning of why Jesus Christ died for our sins...so that we can be forgiven. If we can be forgiven, so can our parents...and anyone else who raised us. Happy Easter. You have blessed us all with your message."

"A friend sent it to me because I am caring for my 96 year old Mother who is really GREAT!!! but this is EXCELLENT! maybe I should send it to my three sons. I have been saying to myself for a long time (I am 70) that Mother is now the little girl that I never had! Marianne Baillos"

"This is the best I have seen that defines our feeling. I am 88, the mother of 8, the grandmother of 22, and the great and great-great grandmother of many others. Yet, sometimes I know loneliness, which, I think, Mother Theresa said was the greatest problem. We want attention and companionship given lovingly and willingly without a sense of obligation. My father used to say that if you cared for your children when they were small, they would care for you when you were old. I do not think this generation has learned that concept as well as they should. Thanks for a beautiful illustration, which I will mail to all of them. Sincerely, A Cajun Mom"

"As a child I have been fortunate to be loved and nurtured. As a parent with growing children I have tried to love and nurture. As a parent with grown children I hope I am loved and nurtured in return. Thank you for the most beautiful email I have ever received, I do intend to share with family, friends and colleagues. Lorreen Greeuw"

"I would like to Thank You for reapplying this back to your site. This is the first time I have ever seen this and with seeing it I cry. Not only does it make me think of my parents, but also my Grandmother who is fighting Alzheimers. This makes me miss her so much more, but helps me to understand that she is not alone and she does now what she is saying. I miss her and I now that she misses me. Tonya, Clyde NY"

March 17,  2008

"This is the most fantastic thing I have seen and heard."

"I thoroughly got a blessing from this video and have sent it to all my friends who have aging parents. We tend to treat them like we're the parents and they are our children. I've been through this with my aunt and I tried most of the time to let her keep her dignity. I know I didn't always do it right and I probably hurt her not meaning to, but I try to live by God's Golden Rule, to treat each individual like I would like to be treated. Thanks again and God bless you all. Luella Presley - Forsyth, GA"

"Parent’s Wish is so awesome. I sent it to my children and all my friends. My Mother is in a nursing home and she loves to see me everyday. Somedays I get frustrated, but after reading this I couldn’t help but cry. Thanks, S.T. in N.C."

"I was deeply touched by your presentation. My brothers, sister and I are caring for my aging parents and my law practice focuses on the needs of the elderly, so I thought it was right on point."

"THANK YOU for this wonderful reminder. My husband and I have my 91 year old Dad living with us now for a year and thank God every morning for his bright and cheery 'Good Morning'. He loves the Lord more than anything and is such a wonderful blessing in our home. This slideshow puts the whole parenting role into prospective. I will watch it over and over and share it with others. God bless you. Pat, San Miguel, CA."

"This is a beautiful story."

"Thank you for a beautiful message and song."

"The Video was very touching and emotional."

"I live in Louisiana and called my mother in California. I read this to her and we both cried continuously. It is beautiful! It made me realize, as a child what a parent is all about and what the role of a child is all about."

"I cannot find the words to express how much this has touched my heart. My parents are both in their middle 80’s and only in the past year has my father started having problems that caused some changes in his lifestyle. This slide show was so emotional, and really makes you realize how much your parents did for you as a child, and helps you understand what you will face as they grow older, and what your children will face in their future. I am so thankful that someone had the thoughtfulness to forward this email to me, but even more, I’m thankful to you for producing it. The music you chose to add to it could not have been better. THANK YOU."

March 16,  2008

"I cannot find the words to express how much this has touched my heart. My parents are both in their middle 80’s and only in the past year has my father started having problems that caused some changes in his lifestyle. This slide show was so emotional, and really makes you realize how much your parents did for you as a child, and helps you understand what you will face as they grow older, and what your children will face in their future. I am so thankful that someone had the thoughtfulness to forward this email to me, but even more, I’m thankful to you for producing it. The music you chose to add to it could not have been better. THANK YOU.

"I have received this message a month ago but it was not to music. When I read it then I cried. With the music I cried harder and I sent it to all my children a second time. Dianna Hirschenberger. Greenish Michigan"

"This is beautiful and says things that are hard for you to say for yourself."

"We would appreciate a CD so we can share it with the people at the retirement community I work at."

"Please waste no time getting this on a CD. I shorted out my keyboard with my tears. I have never before viewed such a powerful message from a parent. I will forever be grateful to the author of this fabulous work. Please notify me when the CD may be purchased. Thank you from the bottom of my healthy heart."

"Thank you."

"I thought that was breath taking, we had four daughters and raising children is very hard in this day and age. Try to understand is what it is all about and it's right until you reach a certain age you don't realize how important parent really are. Our twins (17) that are still at home will be reading this today to help them understand that it is okay for parent to grow old and to accept them. We are not that old yet but you don't have to be old to die. They lost their 20 year old sister two years ago to a car accident and sometime I find it hard to notice the change in them to. Anyway I will email this on to my friends that are parents and have those teen age children that are growing up to fast. Thanks for emails like this."

March 15,  2008

"Dear My friends: I am a little girl  (11 years old). I want to help my parents when they will be old. Thank you for this nice slideshow . Best Regards, Hiba Safadi, Syria"

"I teach in a Home Support Resident Care Attendant program and will be using this in one of my classes. This is beautiful and can be applied to our personal lives along with our interactions with others. Thank you so much!!!"

"Thank you so much for making this available so that someday it would make its way to my inbox. I took care of both my parents thru long term illnesses. My dad was bedridden for two years with end stage emphysema at the same time my mom had Alzheimers. I fought hard to allow them to live and die with dignity. But you always wonder if you could have done better, if you could have been kinder, more understanding, had more patience. I have snapshots, mini-videos imprinted on my heart, of moments and conversations with my parents during those years and they help me to know I did alright. As hard as it was I wouldn't have those years taken from me now, I hold them close and cherish them, knowing how much my parents loved me and myself them in return....."

"As you are aware, Parents' Wish is tremendous."

"Thank you...for this most poignant and heart warming tribute....Caryle Antonioni. Toronto, Canada."

"That is one of the most moving video's I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing that with all of us. I will cherish this for all the days of my life and I have passed it on to my 3 children who in time will appreciate it if not now. Joyce S"

March 14,  2008

"I would love to have it with me always. Thank you for allowing so many to gain the understanding of life with love and dignity."

"This is great, I enjoyed every scene. It brought home the things I am going through now as I grow older into those years when nothing seems to work right or I forget the simple things or the names of places and people or have trouble remembering the right word to use to describe what I am talking about or to finish a sentence. My children get short and sometimes angry and forget about all the times I had to wait for them as they were growing up. So, yes this is a good program. I wish it could be shown to every person to let them know that they are not alone on this our last journey. Eugene Brooks"

"This slideshow is wonderful! When I look at my dear sweet 84 year old mom. She doesn’t walk straight, and her hands aren’t working right, I think of all the times she spent helping me as a child. She never got angry and always loved me. My dearest friend still today – my mom. Cathy"

"I love this so much!"

"I received an email this morning with a link to your site and I very much enjoyed the presentation you are supporting. I was extremely moved when I saw it.  I strongly believe that our elders are usually not treated with the respect and dignity that they well deserve and I would like to support your efforts."

March 13,  2008

"I teach a Bible class and a Daily devotional time and I am always looking for poems and such things as this to read to the folks here to cheer them up and let them know that there are others out there that care about them."

"This is a totally amazing e-mail. I work in an Assisted Living Community and see this every day. I would love to share this with every family member that must deal with this on a day to day basis. Thanks for the wonderful message. Deb-PA"

"I only wish to MY parents live long enough to take care of them. It' will be six years since my mom's passing .It makes you realize what you miss. It's a beautiful piece thank you."

"I am a 64 young woman who is caring for a 97 (and 1/2) dad who is mentally alert, but in very poor health. My husband, who also helps take care of my dad, received this beautiful piece of art a couple of days ago from a friend. Yesterday after I had come home from a very hard day with my dad, he said I want to show you something, but I don't want to upset you. As I sat in front of my computer watching and listening to Parent's Wish, I cried a bucket of tears (I found out later that he too had cried as he had watch this email for the first time). I didn't cry from being tired, or feeling burdened, I cried because I truly did have a better understanding of what my wonderful dad must be thinking as we care for him. He has always been a very proud, self reliant person and I know how hard this illness is on his self esteem. I also know that after watching the wonderful pictures, reading the beautiful music and listening to the touching words of Josh Groban's music I will be a much better daughter and caretaker. Words alone can not express what this beautiful piece of art has done for my husband and me. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. Brenda Martin Tulsa, OK"

"Thank you. Well done!"

"So very touching. It actually brought tears to my eyes."

"It is to be treasured. I cried as I lost my last parent, my mother, and the shower part did it, she hated the time for cleaning up, and was always cold when we heated up the bathroom so I sweat, and I miss her so, I cried. Wonderful with Josh and the words printed."

"My 97 year old mother passed away 4 months ago. How I wish I had seen and heard this beautiful music and message before her last days. She told me she wanted to die and asked me to understand. Although I did understand, I didn't respond to her the way I should have, with love and reassurance that it was okay if this was her wish. 3 days later, under hospice, she died, alone, which was her request. I arrived moments after her passing, not expecting it to happen so soon. I had gone home to fix dinner for my husband, when the call came for me to return. But we were not in time. The guilt is overwhelming. I wish everyone in the world could see this presentation and listen to Josh Groban's beautiful singing. He brings it home, to the heart and to the gut. I felt it in both. Thank you for this experience."

"How touching this is. I have had many problems lately and many thoughts of my life and what it was worth. I have 4 grown children and my husband has been very ill for several years. We are in our early 50's but this really hits home especially since I have lost my dear parents. This has put a lot of things about my life in perspective, thank you so very much. My youngest son is moving out tomorrow and I am very sad but seeing this video has helped me."

"This is so sweet. I e-mailed it to my father-in-law. He is the only sibling living in town and has all the burden of his parents on him. He sent it on to his brother and sister. It is so touching and so true. I will remember this forever, I have parents and one grandmother. And I know there will come a time that I will need to look back on this. Thanks, Jennifer"

"What a beautiful way of reminding everyone how precious our parents are, I have forwarded this to all my friends. I sobbed and will do every time I hear that song because its so true."

"The video of Parents' Wish is ssssoooooo wonderful. Thank you and God Bless you for coming up with this most beautiful video."

"It was a beautiful presentation and touched home so much."

"This is extremely moving and I cried the first time I watched it. I understood completely what the words were saying and the music just set it off. One of the most touching emails I have ever seen. We will all, hopefully, be there some day. Thank you so much."

"Unexpectedly, I was moved to tears. It was so touching. I am a single mother of two (2) kids that's why I was able to relate to it. Her wish is also the same as my wishes. And was really hoping that someday, my children will understand me and will never leave me when I got old. What I read in this wishes will forever stay in my mind and in my heart. Cynthia Marie Luardo - Philippines"

"This is one of the best pieces of bulk E mail I have seen in months. Congratulations to whoever created this on a job well done . Thanks Anne"

"This presentation is very touching. This song was sung by my cousin at my Dad's funeral 3 years ago and it certainly brings back fond memories."

March 12,  2008

"I read this thinking of my mother and as I neared the end of it I broke down into uncontrollable crying. I wish I had known what this was before opening up as I suffer from depression. It’s taken me an hour or so to get back to this and respond. I’m still shaking. I worry terribly about Mom and this has me so anxious, upset that I in good standing can’t recommend this website. I’ve been taking 200 mg of Zoloft for over ten years now. I wish there was some sort of disclaimer or something to the effect of how people can react to this. Thanks for letting me put my two cents in."

"I know you probably get 1000’s of e-mails. I wanted to let you know. My own father (and best friend) passed away on August 8th 2005. I have three older brothers but it seems that the care of my 83 year old mother has fallen to me. They take the fact that she IS STILL here for granted. She is in early stage Alzheimers and I know it can be difficult to be around her sometimes. I have times when I’m discouraged and feel very alone in my journey with her. I loved my dad with all my heart and my heart still aches from his loss. I KNOW he would want me to take care of her. I am honored and privileged to be able to give back even a little of what they gave me. Thank you for recognizing us. YOU’VE Raised me UP! LeVita Maier Bragdon"

"I cried of joy, for being blessed to share my parents’ golden years. Thank you for reminding me of what counts."

"Thank you!! I come from a close family of 6 children. My parents are in their mid 70's and both have had cancer. Dad has had it twice in the past 4 years. He is my rock, my sounding board, my go to person. I can't imagine my life without him. My Mom is the same, she has always done more for her family than any other mother I have ever known. She nursed her own Mother until the day she died at, 99 years, 9 months, and 9 days old. We all helped out with our Nana and our Grandma when they were ill, that is just the way family is suppose to be. That is what love is. You don't question, you don't loose your patience, you laugh it off and move on. Give lots of love and hugs and let them know you are there. My parents know that we will all be there if and when the time comes for us to take care of them. They say they don't want to be a burden, but to me it would be giving back, that is the way I have always looked at it. Again thank you for this web site. I have passed it onto my sisters and brothers. Beth, PA"

"I do not know the proper words to reply for you but this is my favorite song to send to you. Maybe the words are not exactly right but I thought you would enjoy it and know what I mean. I also play this on the organ. God bless you. gus ooxx"

March 11,  2008

"This presentation is beautiful, and hits me right where I am with my mother at this time. Thank you."

"I have just received this as a forward from my close friend in Pensacola, Florida.  I am from Birmingham, United Kingdom, a 64 year old male retired former senior social worker with three wonderful children and a five year-old grand-daughter. I am particularly grateful for this touching and insightful presentation, because although both my parents died over twenty years ago I still miss them. I was adopted during the second world war as a young baby, so my two sons and daughter are precious to me. I regard parenting as the most fulfilling work I ever did, personally or professionally. My wish is that more people can be enabled to value themselves and others, to express love and gratitude to those who’ve guided and supported them and to live long and fulfilling lives cherished by family and friends. Thank you for this life affirming presentation! Michael J. Whitehouse."

"Wonderful - was sent to my children and friends - would like a copy if you have them available. Thank you. Sharon Buckmaster"

"Was moved to tears viewing this video. Years ago, my mom suffered Alzheimers. NOT the main caregiver, it was very hard to help out when needed; and to have patience needed all the time. THIS put a new light on things. Dad also suffered poor health before his death, and we were required to care for him as well. An amazing video; and should be provided to ALL support groups and nursing homes. I am grateful for the person who sent this e mail to me. Many of my friends will be getting this as well. D.B."

"I can't imagine people thinking of it as connected to assisted suicide or 'putting a guilt trip' on our children. Like you, I feel it just expresses our love and our need for understanding from our children. I sent it to all our children who have Internet."

"Truly beautiful and very moving. I have forwarded it to several friends around my age group and am soon to send it to my own 2 grown-up children. The whole presentation is beautiful and very sensitively done. Wow! Sylvia - Great Britain"

"I love your website, it is beautiful."

"Amazing and thought provoking!! It reminded me of my parents and all that they had given me through the years. It’s amazing at what my parents gave me not only during my childhood years, but all the years and I’m thankful that I was able to give some portion of that back. Your video reminded me just how patient my parents were with their parents as they grew older and set the example of love and patience for me and my siblings to follow when they grew older. I hope that by example I’ve set the same in motion for not only my son, but for those who watch when we least expect as how we should treat each other no matter what the age, etc. Once again thanks for creating this wonderful slide show."

"After viewing your Parent's Wish and sharing it with my colleagues, it is a wonderful reminder and a perfect gift to share with many and to share with our Youth Organization. Please notify me when this does become available on CD. Thank you for your blessings."

"It made me cry."

March 10,  2008

"God Bless You for so appropriately expressing feelings of the elderly to their children. It was so touching, inspiring, and oh so beautifully told. I love Josh Groban and his music. Thank you for making my day. Dean, Naples, FL"

"It is a really touching poem and the song brought a tear to my eyes. I can not explain how much it really meant to me. I will send to everyone on my email list. Ben"

"That was amazing, it brought back memories of my dad and my Grandparents before they died with Cancer. It also made me think of my mother and stepdad which of who never turned me away and taught me a lot about life and how to live. With that in mind it brings me to my kids and step kids which I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hope this message gets out to a lot more people, young and old, if for nothing else, just to remember the ones they LOVE. THANK YOU!!!! Wes Boren"

"My Mom is currently in a rest home and daily we have hounded her to walk get dressed and eat so she will get healthy again. NEVER AGAIN thank you for such a beautiful moving slide show."

"I am currently fighting 'the system' and my ex-husband to see more of my kids then the allotted time slot I have been given. I've never hurt them or put them in harms way, just made some stupid choices that have lead us to where we are today. Knowing that we all make our own mistakes in life, I pray that mine will be forgiven by them, and that the future this story portrays will be ours. To all of you and all of yours; learn to live, live to love, and love for life. My parents failed me and I've come dam close to failing my own children. This e-mail brought tears and an added reality to my eyes; life is short, make sure that those you love know that they are loved and cared for and you in return shall have the same."

"It seems to me that this will be helpful to use in our Healthcare Center when families are having difficulty adjusting to this stage of life for so many residents. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us in your special rendition."

"Hi my name is Maria. That was the best email I have received, so true am a mother but I do have a mother with dementia. I have stood by her and I make an effort to include her in any family events. She was a very strong person and now she is existing. Its sad to see her like that but am sure if she could see herself like that she wouldn't want to leave but I stand next to her like she did when I needed her."

March 9,  2008

"Thank you for sharing, Sissy"

"This 'special' message was sent to me on my mother's 80th. It will be 2 years on march 28th that she has passed and this song was played at her funeral because she loved Josh. So there were a lot of tear's shed as I listened to this! My brother's and I nursed her at her home until she passed and as this message said we listened to what her want's and need's were at the time. Not what we wanted which was very difficult. You always want your parent's around forever but when they are suffering and in so much pain then you know that their place is with God. One Sunday 3 month's before she passed our whole family got together and sat around my mother's bedroom and we had each written a letter to her and read it to her. It was to let her know exactly what she meant to each of us over the year's and to thank her for being the best mother ever. Needless to say there were a lot of tear's shed that day but my mother said it was one of her best day's. Best it was like a living euology and we all said how we felt about her which a lot of people don't do when people are alive so please think about doing this. It is so wonderful for everyone."

"I took care of both my parents until their death, I understand the feelings of love and compassion and I hope one day it will be returned to me from my daughters. I am in the process again of helping my in-laws who replaced my parents after I married and hope to care for them as I did my parents. It is a privilege and not a burden to care for the ones you love and I hope that when people see this beautiful video that it too will open their hearts. Thank you for the beautiful thoughts and the loving voice of Josh, it was a perfect match. Aloha,"

"First, I'd like to thank my sister in L.A. for forwarding me this wonderful message. Wile reading it, I couldn't control my tears as it reminds my parents who are both old and sick and we always pray for them. The God will extend more their lives. I thank God for adding more lives to both of them and we wish that we can show more love and care for them. I thank my parents for raising us with love in our hearts taught us to love one another and understand each other. Thank you so much for this wonderful message. Wish to read more some inspirational message that can encourage more other people, inspire more in their daily living. Thank you and more power! God bless. From: Ms.Ferma Lee, South Korea"

"I love Parent's Wish and viewed it via the web."

"I too am of the older generation and have children and grand children. This should be shown in every school from 1st grade to college graduation. I have sent this to all of my children. Thanks for the beautiful song and writing. R. Standridge"

"BRAVO. I am 79 and I cried throughout the whole thing. Josh Groban's music added to that experience! I feel very understood and 'gotten' although I am a very healthy, still working, lively senior with a host of friends (now beginning to leave this planet) and a nice 'boy' friend. But it expresses my deepest fears and hopes for the 'someday' future. I'm reluctant to send this to my daughters because I think they'll laugh at me! Thanks for doing this. Gloria, 79, Alexandria, VA"

"I strain to type through my tears, after just having viewed the Parent's Wish. I am 63 years old and am now caring for my 94 year old father who has severe dementia, both legs amputated and little sight or hearing, but still is able to tell me he loves me. I have watched him progress through all the stages in the  'wish' and now he is simply waiting for God. My biggest fear is that when my time comes, there will be no one there to love me and understand what I am going through, as I have no child to show this beautiful tribute to. Penny , ON, Canada"

"I love this Parents Wish poem."

Thank You & God Bless, Rick Housey

"One word, AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

March 8,  2008

"This is certainly what my father wants from me. Unfortunately he abandoned my family when I was seven, was an angry, narcissistic alcoholic who molested me later on, and psychologically abused my sister and mother and me. My mother died young, but I would have given anything to see her age. I stay in touch with my father, but just barely. He only rages at me these days, and I don't need the poison. Not everyone took care of their kids and not all grown kids should have to care for their parents. I doubt you'll print this, but I feel better having written it."

"This says it all. What else could any one say that would be more moving and so beautiful. Wish there were more out there like this. I help with my mother in law who was more like a mother. She always said I was her daughter. Harriett Ellijay, GA"

"Exactly what the youth of today should be made aware of!! Past values are repeated here and their importance poignantly portrayed! I shall certainly be forwarding the message to my children in the hope (and prayer) that they understand the knowledge which the message is imparting to the world. Well done to the creators of this most inspirational e-mail message. Natu Patel"

"Thank you so much for this beautiful and touching presentation. I still have tears in my eyes after going through it. The ones I have sent it to thank me for forwarding it and hopefully my three children read it. I will read it as often as I can."

"This is one of the most moving things I have ever read. I just turned 60 and have 4 sons. I am also a widow. This really expresses my feeling for each of my boys. It brings tears to the eyes of any parent. I hope you continue to write such wonderful things that mean so much in this troubled world. It has struck a chord in my heart and in my boys hearts also."

"This is so moving I sat in tears. This speak's for most all of us older people, my Mother-in-law is 101 years old and has said many times she no longer wants to live and we totally understand her, she is a wonderful person and loved so very much by all who have the pleasure of knowing her. I would love a copy of the CD not only in her honor but to share with my 5 children and 5 grandchildren. Thank you."

"Our 88 year old Mother, (my Mother-in-law) lives with us, I have found myself impatient, upset, even angry at times, although I love her dearly......a million thanks for this lesson."

"I avoid schmaltz and the gushingly sentimental. This however was genuinely beautiful and deeply touching."

March 7,  2008

"I once knew an Indian who was the grandson of a great pawnee chief. I was with him once when a missionary group came to our school and gave a heart-felt testimony about work they had done at orphanages during the Christmas season. After hearing them out with great stoicism he stated that he detested children."

"This slideshow was and remains the most moving, thoughtful and touching thing I ever watched. We have sent this on to our three children. Thank you and God Bless"

"I would like to thank you for sharing your video Parents' Wish with me and my wife. It was very hart warming and I am not one to show emotion very often. This one really got to me. I sent it to my kids who have computers. I also have saved it to my hard drive. My wife has chronic COPD and I am getting up in age, I am 78."

"That was just beautiful and made me cry…but oh so true. May children be inspired to be patient and love their parents in their senior years. I lost my mother-in-law and father-in-law a few years back and now I am at the stage they were at and I TRULY understand! God bless you!"

"Having just recently lost my husband of 61 years, and being able to relive some of his funeral service where this song was played, was such a comforting thing. My daughter chose this song, and we all felt that it was perfect. Josh sings it to perfection too. Thank him for the whole production. Bonnie Snow,Alabama"

"We are blessed to have both elderly parents (88 and 92). It was a very emotional viewing, and I was thrilled to be so gently reminded of what is needed from us. Amazing! Sue"

"This came to me just in time. I've been caring for my 94 year old mother who has senile dementia. It has been very stressful. Your efforts in putting this presentation together came when I needed in the most and gave me the proper attitude to deal with my mother's needs. Susan Williams"

"I am a single parent, I have brought up my son and am now bringing up my grandson single handed. This touched me in a way you cannot imagine. Well done. It has put forward a very powerful message out to the world."

"What a wonderful and moving video and music. That is exactly how some of us parents feel. Thank you and bless you. J. Johnston"

"Thank you for this great blessing."

"This was sent to me by a dear friend at a time when I really needed it. I have the song on CD or we sing it in Church, not sure which but it is so beautiful, and then the words and pictures on the slideshow are just so spot-on. I sent a copy to each of our children who tend to think we can still do all they need us to do, when it is coming to a time when we need help, and cannot be the ones giving it. Thanks so much for such a wonderful message. So uplifting. God bless you, Sheila M "

March 6,  2008

"Thanks. We love Josh Groban!"

"This hits very close to home. Both my parents are failing and it is a good reminder for those days when frustration could set in in trying to do or get them to do what's best for them. I see each new day with my mom and dad as a blessing and an extra day to love and give back the care they so willingly gave me. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to all parents. I pray I am never viewed as a burden to my own children. Leslie"

"This is beautiful. Describes my own parents beautifully! PAG, TEXAS"

"So poetic, beautiful and awe inspiring. So emotional and comforting, yet sad. It gave me a positive change in the way I feel about those close to me. Tom Cavalieri"

"This is like a gift. Thank you. It's profoundly beautiful and ageless. Jane Hartley"

"It's a perfect wish for parents which touch our hearts and with the beautiful background music, it may suddenly change bad attitudes of children to their parents and make children realize how parents let them grow, how parents love them so much and how valuable parents are to them. Thanks so much and if possible I would like to have a copy of the beautiful wishes that I can print from my computer. D'Godfather"

"Thank you. I will forward this to encourage and remind others of their parents' and care. Lori from Wisconsin"

"My Grandpa has Alzheimers and when you speak to him he repeats the same statement over and over again. It is the hardest thing to watch him go through because he is my Grandpa. I pray and hope for everyone out there that they can take this message to heart and always remember that at some point in our lives we have needed help ourselves. I pray that we may always remember all that we have been given and we will give back when that time comes to help or give to others as we have been given too."

"I don’t know how to express my deep appreciation for this slideshow. Almost one year ago, my father passed away and this was SO touching that I finally able to let go and weep. Once again, thank you for this. You’re imagination and sincerity are INCREDIBLE!! You managed to express, in a short slideshow, a VERY powerful message and I’m EXTREMELY grateful!"

March 5,  2008

"There are no words to describe one's feelings when viewing this presentation. It's really difficult to view this without a few choked up tears!"

"I just finished viewing Parent's Wish - how awesome! My sister sent this to me as we have lost our mother a couple of years ago, I am so proud to say that I was never embarrassed to take my mother anywhere, bathe her or help her in any way. I miss my mother and she was all I could think about while this played. Thank You!"

"Absolutely beautiful! I wish I'd had this to share years ago with my children on behalf of elderly and ill relatives. I'm so glad a friend shared this!"

"That was pretty and I hope I have the strength to help my parents like they did when I was younger. My boyfriend just lost his dad a few weeks ago and I understand greatly the need to be patience when they need our hands to help them along. Thank you for sharing a great reminder to us all. God bless."

"I cried at every different scene. I am a blubbering idiot, I swear. It is so sad but true. I loved Josh's singing and the scenes that accompanied his song. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Carol"

"Thank you so much. My friend sent this to me last night at 7:35 pm. My father died last night at 7:45 pm. I just opened this up. There is not much else to say – you have so eloquently said it for so many of us. I had a great relationship with my Dad and am blessed that we shared so much joy. Thank you again. Anita"

"I shared this video with my staff. Very moving, beautiful and all so true. Thank you for sharing. God Bless. Claudia A. Abeita, Manager, Pueblo of Isleta Adult Day Care Program"

"I just buried my mother yesterday and this tribute finally gave me the release I needed to really grieve. She made it to her 86th birthday near the end of February, but at that time, many of the things mentioned in " Parents' Wish' began to happen to her. Watching her go was not easy, but feeling like we'd done all that she needed helped get my siblings and I through it. I hope we gave her all the dignity she deserved and more. She was an amazing lady and if I'm half the mother she was, then my children are truly blessed. Cindy =0)"

"I loved the slide presentation. JO, Whitby, ON, Canada"

"Reading this, I thought of our only child, our son. Our world was him. Yes we were close, my husband was in the army, so we moved around a lot. Our son grew up to be a nice young man. He was in the navy a few years. He was still living at home when he met hell, married her. Our Granddaughter is 16, daughter in-law took us in to court with lies, she lies to our son, but where he knows this yet, I have no idea. I have not seen my son or granddaughter, since my granddaughter was 3. I am still crying over reading this, yes our health has changed to the worse in last few years. God bless who ever wrote this. A mom and a Grandparents who also were parents to over 100 fosters children. If I sound so upset try crying every day. And then you Pray. I Hope this goes home to a lot of families before its too late."

"This is the most beautiful e-mail I have ever received. What a great job you did on making it. Rosalee Pruett"

"Emotional and moving. I cried all the way through. My dad doesn't keep well and I thought of him throughout this. We live 100s of miles away from friends and family and I miss them dearly. My mum's memory isn't so good (my mum had Alzheimers) and this has made me think twice twice about keeping my patience when she repeats herself and 'doesn't listen'. I will share this with my daughter and we will probably cry together all over again."

March 4,  2008

"I think this is a powerful message, very relevant for today's life style."

"Well done! Thanks!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you so very much for the wonderful slide show and music on Parent's Wish. I cried all the way thru, as I now am beginning the elder years of my life. Everything about the song and pictures, are so true. It's only when you see your close friends, and close parents and relatives, aging, do you realize that you are too. Thanks so much for putting into perspective. Joan Hoffman, Grand Rapids, Mich."

"I love what you have done. I hope this helps many young people understand the elderly (myself included)."

"This is such a beautiful site, I watch it over and over. I have a Mom in a Nursing Home, and often get frustrated with her. This slide show made me look at things a lot differently. I also have 5 brothers and sisters, who seldom visit mom, and I sent this to all of them., hoping it would affect them too. Carol"

"At some point, way back, they were everything: food, security, shelter, clothing, health. It was direct and practical; they gave, I took. They taught me how to work, to accomplish. I wish, sometimes, that they had taught me how to love, for I have been a struggling failure there......  When parents die, they do it whispering, 'I love you, now grow up.' They leave us to deal with ripped-raw feelings and new definitions of who we are. They leave us to savor the bile flavored guilt of being their children. They leave us without parents."

"Great slideshow!!!"

March 3,  2008

"My father is 84 and is doing very good for his age. But I can see the slow decline. A Parents' Wish has touched my heart and soul. I will send this on to everyone I know."

"This slide show was so beautiful and the music so appropriate. I sat in my room alone sobbing as I watched, and the tears still flow. I am a nurse in a nursing home, and everything about the slide show was so true, my fellow nursing friends thought I was crazy to work in a nursing home and not a hospital, but my heart is in the right place. Then as I continue to watch, I think of my own parents in their 80's and I continue to cry because I think of their mortality and all the tender love they showed my thru the years. Wonderful!!!! Thank you!"

"I have sent this to everyone on my list, including some that I don't really know. The greatest sermons ever were not delivered from a pulpit. Well done, good and faithful servant!"

"I just lost my father and I miss him so much. I only wish I had seen this before he passed. Thank the Lord I still have my mother and I will save and watch this as a reminder. Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"What a wonderful presentation that was. I'm still in tears! Please notify me as soon as your CD is published as it would touch the hearts of so many here in Florida. Thank You so very much for sharing."

"Wow, absolutely beautiful. I was extremely close to my grandfather, who passed away 4 years ago this month. I am so very proud that I could do for him that of which he could not do for himself. What an honor it was to be part of his life and I am eternally grateful for that he has given me. This was truly beautiful. Thank you."

"I sat and listened as tears rolled down my cheeks. I have been caring for my parents for the last ten years and have watched their health get progressively worse. I lost my parents last year and pray that I gave them all that they needed and deserved. I hope they knew how much I truly loved them."

"This was very touching. My mother died 5 years ago from Alzheimer's Disease. I was her caregiver until the end. My mother and I had a very special bond, I was the youngest of 4 and the only girl. Watching this brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. It reminded me of my mother's deterioration and not being able to communicate what was happening to her. Every day was a new challenge, little by little the mother that I depended on who I adored and who was my best friend was wasting away. I made a promise from the beginning to take care of her at home until the end. I kept my promise though it was heartbreaking to see her suffer every day. Now I take care of my father and I sometimes forget that he is getting older and seeing the Parent's Wish just reminded me again to be patient and kind. Thank you for your beautiful work. I will pass it on. Gina - California"


"Thank-you so very much for this wonderful, wonderful wish. I work as a familial-clown (Fools for Health) in long term care homes. Your presentation here has brought everything full circle. It is WONDERFUL! I will be sure to pass it on to the other familial-clowns in our program which is a registered Canadian charity. I will also pass it on to the activities directors at the long term care homes where we work. God bless you, Sandy Radvanyi"

"This was so beautiful and sure hit home with me a grandmother of 66. I cried the whole way through the song and pictures."

"I just viewed your slideshow. Thanks for sharing the aging perspective! I have one aging father in law who just visited us yesterday. He's always been nice and pleasant to us and likes to have our kids over in his house with my mother in law. Yesterday, he just said something that kind of annoyed me. He said he only wanted my son to visit for no more than 3 days and that 5 days was too long. I always thought he liked having our 3 kids for a 1 on 1 visit. So after viewing your slideshow I just shrugged it off and left it to Dementia! He's not thinking well! The song that was played was also my son's favorite piano piece. It was appropriate. Yuppies from Florida"

"I am a 48 year old man, this made me cry."

"I was so touched. I have a ninety + year old mother and she has said so many of those words to me. I will try to listen more attentively and compassionately from now on. My heart breaks each time she says she is ready to go and I tell her it is not her decision to make. She just smiles and says she has outlived her usefulness and needs to go on to be with the Lord. Thank you for helping me understand more of what she is experiencing."

"Just wanted you to know I am really impressed with what I saw on the computer. I have my mother living with me and she is 90 years old and living way back in the past when she was a girl. I love her dearly and it was wonderful to watch the slide show. Thank you ever so much."

"That was absolutely beautiful. It is not only what we would want from our children, but it is also a reminder to us baby boomers as our parents are getting older to show them this respect and love as well. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:2 to 'Honor our father and mother.' This a commandment with a promise, for God continues by saying, 'That is may be well with you, and you might live long on the earth.' They deserve our love and respect for all they have done for us. Thank you for this important reminder and so wonderfully communicated."

"I just want to say thank you so much for a beautiful message that this short clip conveyed. It was sent to me by one of the sisters from our church. It came at a time when I was facing some difficult times with my Son, to a point where we were about to separate as mother and son permanently. We both played your clip and shed very painful tears. My son realized all that I wanted for him was the best. All is well and we have moved forward. Thank you. God Bless You. Jennifer & Trent"

"We received this link in an e-mail last week and have just put my father (who is 78) into a rest home. He has had a few strokes so movement and conversation are difficult. It was timely and so inspirational to see this message and be reminded of that word 'respect'. I found visiting my father that day (and from then on) so much easier. Thank you."

March 2,  2008

"A close friend to both my family and me, mother is experiencing Alzheimer’s and was recently placed into a special care home. When I hear him tell me that his mom can not remember his name or recognize him when he walks into see her, it brings it all into focus for me. May god bless him with the strength and power to due the best he can. Also thank you for helping me show my love for the ones who got me started in life. Recently I have felt my parents have not really wanted to be part of my life or my families life and it has made me just stop trying to talk much with them. I do not like that and just watching your Parents Wish slide show made me realize I must keep trying. Keep the faith Barry"

"Just awesome......."

"Beautiful! Nough said. TjMcCollum"

"I am an *Angel* of mercy... I am a 'Caregiver' The longer we are on this earth...the greater chance we will journey down the road called 'Old Age' Thank you for the REMINDER!"

"Very well done, kinda takes ones breath away."

"Thank you for such a beautiful thoughtful, meaningful message. It deeply touched my heart for although I'm mid-age I'm at a point where I truly understand the decisions that has to be made and the lose that is felt. Thank you again, I cried all the way through, both times. God Bless you and your work, Mabel Jefferson"

"My 97 year old dad died a few days ago and I was sent Parents' Wish by a cousin in Canada . My dad lived with me for 8 years before a fairly peaceful death and when I opened 'Parents' Wish' it gave me great comfort that I had looked after him as he would have wished. I sent it to my niece because her dad-my brother - has Parkinsons - is not in fact old only 63 - but the 'wish' applies so much to him I am sure it will help her to understand what her dad needs as the illness progresses. Thank you, Marion"

March 1,  2008

"Absolutely beautiful and inspiring! I listened to it three times in a row and had to choke back tears each time! I forwarded it to our children as well as to my brothers and sisters so that they could in turn send it to their children. It also serves to remind us of the tremendous debt that we owe to our own parents. Thank you again very much for this immensely inspiring audiovisual presentation! We need more presentations of this nature in our troubled world to remind us of what truly matters in life. Rich"

"That was so beautiful! Thank you! It was so inspiring."

"Totally Awesome!! Thank You so very much for making this available to all those who care to realize the facts about family. God Bless. Art Jernberg, Michigan"

"Dear Mr. Groban, this was so beautiful! I am sure this was a lot of work to put together, and sir, I have to tell you that I have watched this 3 times since I have received it from my girlfriend.  Please tell everyone that was involved that it was very very beautiful. Give everyone a pat on the back for a job well done. Sincerely, Margaret Lane"

"This presentation brought a lump to my throat, so touching, it's a keeper and a definite forward to all my kids and my friends. Thank you. J. Kennedy"

"Thank you so this video. It is the most beautiful video I have ever watched the words of the song are very touching and Josh Groban has a voice from heaven. As an older parent I cried from the beginning to the end and beyond. I was/am touched in a profound way. The website has now been sent to my children and all my email contacts. Thank you for a moment to stop and smell the roses. Georgia Walker"

"A Parents'  Wish is so beautiful and accurate. It made me cry for my dad who passed away this past year. He was two weeks short of 97. A Parents'  Wish, made me relive when he was at the nursing home. We took such good care of him because he was such a giving and loving man. We took him home often and we brought him to eat out twice a week. He enjoyed that so much and after he broke his hip and had surgery. He tried so hard to regain all his strength but his bones were too weak. When he couldn't go out anymore he just let go and wanted to go to his real home. I saw so many people at the nursing home who had no one visit them. The nurse said if the patients here could only get 1/4 of the attention from their families that you give your dad, they would be so happy. So after dad passed away I decided to get together with my friend. She plays the keyboard and I sing and we volunteer our time every week to entertain 6 nursing homes in the area. They just appreciate it so much. Its worth more than money to us. It is very rewarding. Sometimes they cry and sometimes they laugh depending on what we sing. But at least they feel."

"My husband and I are seniors (and I mean seniors) loved Parent's Wish and sent it on to our two boys. HOWEVER, as the mother who gave birth, raised the children mostly while the husband was making a living for us, I would like to have seen pictures of the mother holding a child. I really felt left out, so to speak. My husband says I am being picky and should just enjoy it. Well, I do enjoy it but having stayed home, giving up a good job to be there for my boys, cannot help but feel mothers don't always get the credit they deserve, such as in this case. I know the title was changed and that is why the Dad is always shown - still... Thanks anyway, and hope our boys enjoy it. No doubt they will phone and thank their Dad for sending it on!!!! Mary Edwards"

"Josh is always great and that song was special to that presentation. Thanks. It was a great experience that I'll be happy to forward to our family and friends."

"I want to thank you for creating a slide show of the Parent's Wish. I love it very much and I couldn't hold my tears back every time I watch it. Thanks for sharing it. I just wish that everyone get to see it so that each one will understand the feelings of every parent. This is really one of a kind. I also want to thank my friend, dally for sending it to me. In return, I send it also to my friends for them to experience what I felt when I watched it. I hope that you can put it on CD. Its a priceless treasure. More power to you. - Alice"

"I love it very much. Thank you for sharing it with us."

February 29,  2008

"Thank you----very touching and well done. I am sending this to my grown children in hopes that they will feel this way as we are aging. Carol McIntyre"

"Your presentation touched my heart at a time when I needed to be reminded."

"Thank you! Its beautiful."

"THANK YOU! to all involved in the production of this wonderful presentation, and to the beautiful friend who sent it to me. Growing old is a blessing and yet having endured the many changes a long life brings parents are then often treated with impatience and disrespect or even as an inconvenience. I am privileged to still have both my parents (in their 70's); I pray that I can always be to them the friend and support they have been to me. We often forget how rapidly our world is changing, we have come along way from radio sagas and black and white TV to inspirational, colour movies clips sent via internet which touch us so deeply; and most of our amazing 'oldies' are keeping up! Gotta love 'em. Andrea S, Qld, Australia"

"I work in a nursing home and this is the most beautiful thing I have seen. I hope to get this to all my co-workers. A must to see!!!"

"This is truly a wonderful video which puts life’s losses into the context of love. It gives us a deep appreciation of the meaning of relating to our parents and all of the elderly in unselfish reciprocal ways. God bless your efforts. Father Terence Curley"

"I have an elderly father, and my friends said this is beautifully done."

"Thank you so much, this was just beautiful and so true with us old folks. It was very touching. Opal"

"This is so very good! Thank you!"

"I want to tell you I love Josh Groban but the words and pictures put together are heart rendering. If only children grew up and took to heart and lived by these words the world would be a much better happier place to live in. God Bless all the Children and their parents and of course America. Rosie Richfield, Springs N.Y."


"Thanks for all your work. It is beautiful and really touches the heart."

"What a powerful and wonderful slideshow. Denies"

"I am a 62 year old mother and am struggling with losses myself. I’ve never seen myself, my friends, or my husband as being 'old'. I lost my best friend 5 years ago and this e-mail has me crying so hard that I’m just not sure how I’m typing, so please excuse any errors. I’m going to forward it to my children and to hers, and I thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart."

February 28,  2008

"I received this e-mail a couple of weeks ago. It brought tears to my eyes, but I have to tell you the complete story. Last July, 2007, my son got married, and they (him and my daughter-in-law) had this song played during their wedding ceremony. I interpreted it as them talking to each other. However, when I received this e-mail and mentioned it to my daughter-in-law, she told my that is why they chose this song for the ceremony, because of the way it was supposed to be interpreted, about children talking to their parents. I just can't hold back the tears when I hear and read this e-mail over and over again. I lost my parents two and three years ago, respectively, first my mom and then my dad. I miss them both very much. There was a point in my son's wedding during this song they handed us roses in memory of our lost parents and their grandparents. In a way, I am glad I didn't know the true meaning during the wedding ceremony, otherwise I would NOT have made it through without crying a river of tears. Now I can do that in the privacy of my own home. Thank you again for the beautiful e-mail".

"This is a very powerful slideshow that every parent that had grown children should have them see. I cried, and forwarded it to my two sons."

"That was a wonderful moving video. My husband and I were really touched by it. Thank you. Barbie"

"My father just sent me the link for the Parents' Wish  and I sat and tried desperately to choke back the waterworks (tears). I have to say that it truly makes me think and feel intense emotions. Since I have young children, it actually makes me think about how I feel about them, and the patience we tend to forget about when interacting with our children as well, when we are tired or not feeling well or not having a good day. I know I've seen somewhere 'note from child' or the like, but the compilation of this Parents' Wish, left such an impact on my heart that I felt the need to write. Thank you!"

"I read and saw this, as I am 79 years now, I cried as I saw and listened. We don't think of the time when we are at the age of being old. But it just takes the love you get from your children just a hug and say I'm here for you. And Josh surely God in Heaven will reward you for sure a beautiful song and video.  God Bless you. Sincerely, Ann Bode St. Peters, MO"

"This was sent to me on a day that has been really hard. See, my mom has Alzheimer's with dementia. She has recently been hospitalized with pneumonia and has taken a turn for the worse. Right now she is back at the nursing home, still very weak. I pray everyday that God will take care of her, if he should see that it is her time, please make it a peaceful journey. With all of the love that she has given to people through out her life time, she truly deserves this journey. I am so grateful that I am able to be with her everyday, to touch her, read to her, brush her hair, and to feed her. She is my mother, what else can I say. She would do the same for me. I know her time on earth will soon be over and she will be with my dad. Therefore I do not hesitate a moment to let her know how much she means to me. I am thankful for the mom she has been and the things she has taught me. For I am the one truly blessed to have a mom like her. When she does have a moment and will wake, she raises her hand to touch my face, that is will I will miss the most. Patty Hunold New London, MO"

"This is beautiful."

"I work with the mentally ill, geriatric patients. Those with Mental disorders, as well as dementia and other challenges. The philosophy of work is Gentle Care. My parents suffered strokes five years ago and recently they have both passed away. Watching this video helped me to be more patient and loving."

"Thanks, This is beautiful and authentic."

"Our Adult Services/Adult Protective Services unit was particularly moved by this slideshow."

"This was the most realistic view of growing old and trying to get someone younger to understand. The message was great. Thanks. However, I have no doubt that Josh Groban's song was just beautiful. It is unintelligible. It has an echo and the words are garbled. I had to turn off my sound because of the distraction. If there is any thing you can do to fix it, it would be ever so much more enjoyable. Thanks and God Bless."
[Webmaster's note: For the benefit of viewers with a slow dial-up connection, we had to reduce the size of the slideshow- and this was done by reducing the quality of the audio portion.]

"This is so moving. My prayer is that everyone cherish your elders. I lost my parents at a young age. By the time I was 21 years old, all the elders in my family had gone home to glory land. I love this rendition. It is so moving. God bless you for taking the time to minister to us all. Norma"

"It is really moving. I am from China, a psychological learner. I know many people have traumas inside originated from the parents' relationship. This one can be of help."

February 27,  2008

"My aunt sent me your web movie and I really liked it. Thank you for publishing it, I think it is something that every person with aging parents should see."

"Just beautiful, brought tears to my eyes, Beth Cameron"

"My mom sent this to me. My grandma passed away in Dec. 2005 and had Alzheimers. I am thankful for the time I was able to spend with her and If I was frustrated I would remember that when I was little she took care of me. I will always treasure the times we had as she got older whether she remembered them or not there were the lucid moments and I knew she remembered me. Thank you"

"My husband and I have raised our granddaughter and would like to send this to her, so is there anyway to get a grandparents version. We are very close to her and she is a part of our living willing.

"The presentation is fantastic and literally made me cry. Please let me know when a CD is available, as I would like to order two at least. Thanks so much for making the web presentation available!"

"I loved this, sometimes our kids forget where they come form and what we went through to get them to where they are now. Maybe they will understand more about us as we get older. I sent this to my 4 kids and they all said that they really enjoyed it. Each time that I listen and read this it makes me cry, it is so touching and meaningful. Thank you. Josh Groban's could not have done any better than this. thanks. Betty"

"This is a beautiful power point."

"Wow. This is pretty powerful. I am a 53 year old male and viewed this in my office this morning. I was moved to tears as I thought of my 80 year old mother whom I love dearly. Right after viewing this I will phone my mom to let her know that I love her and that she is in my thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing this important message. I have forwarded it to a number of my colleagues, friends, family members, and my two children."

"Amazing!!! Although I am only 58 I am already beginning to face some of those 'what was I saying' moments so this hit hard but said EVERYTHING that we can expect as we approach old age. I feel that this video will speak to both young and old and will bridge the generation gap for those who do not know how to express what they feel and for the other side to those who so badly need the understanding of the perils of old age. Thank you so much for all the hard work, Beautiful!! In Jesus Name, L.Payne"

"After a particularly rough week with my mom, I received this in an e-mail from a friend and after viewing it felt a new-found respect for the ordeals my mother is going thru now in her old age."

"This video is absolutely wonderful and so very true. I remember my grandfather looking at me and saying he didn't want to live anymore, and I understood exactly why. He had lost his wife of over 50 years not even a year before when he told me this. He looked at me and said there was no reason to go on. As much as it hurt, and as much as you want them to be around forever, you want them happy. He passed away not long after that, but I knew he was happy and would see his wonderful wife again. Thank you so much for this video!"

"This was absolutely lovely- the music, the simplicity of the words and the truly touching pictures. I just lost my husband. He was 93. I hope I never made him feel anything but how valuable he was in the universe. I could only respect him for who he had been, and hold him dear for the loving nature that showed through the infirmities. I am sending this out to my son, so he too may recognize the love I've always had for him. He may need the same patience with me one day; as he will receive in the future from his own sons. Thank you! Well done! H. White"

February 26,  2008

"That was truly touching and Quite wonderful. What a lovely job everyone did. Thank you Thank you. Honour White"

"I would like to impart to you how I felt after watching the PARENT'S WISH video. It was sent to me by my nephew who is currently based in Singapore. I am so touched and so overwhelmed, smiled after feeling my tears roll down my cheeks. I am sending this video to all my friend's children. How I wish I was able to impart this deed to my parents who both passed away already. Thank you so much."

"Thanks for a good cleansing cry! My Dad is passed and I am very thankful my incredible Mother is still with me. I hope to care of her when the time comes. I will remember these comforting words."

"This truly touched my heart, and made me shed quite a few tears. My father has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and this is our life. Thank you for the tribute! Cynthia Houston, Texas"

"Thank you for such a beautiful production."

"This is the best beautiful slideshow I have ever seen."

"I loved your video. It brought tears. It was so beautiful."

"I can’t even begin to put into words the gratitude I feel for having found your video and the wisdom it holds. These words are words so many of our seniors feel. I blogged about your video as it touched a deep, deep level in me as my life is dedicated to serving seniors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued efforts to share this video and wisdom with the world. When my mother told me she was ready to die, I told her it was OK knowing it would make her journey easier. After her memorial service all I could think of was that I wish we had played Josh Groban during her service. Your video is a visualization of my feelings and my love of seniors. God Bless You for sharing this gift. I took care of my mom and dad and I saw their humiliations when parts of their body or mind were not as active as they had been during their lives. There is no greater joy than caring for our parent’s and in sharing this video it would be my wish that children everywhere learn the real value of our seniors. Thank-You"

February 25,  2008

"This was so moving. My husband and I both cried when we viewed this. We also sent to our son and his reply back to us was: 'Mom this was beautiful thanks for sending to me.'"

"Thank you so much for this lovely tribute. I lost my Mom in October 2007 at the age of 86. She had been in an Assisted Living home for 3 years. After losing her best friend there the year before, she just lost her will to live. She was very independent and hated having to be somewhere that was truly not her home. At the end, she was not really sick, just lost the will to go on and told me she just wanted to go home. My dad passed away in March of 2003 and it was very chilling watching the video because the grandfather at the end of the video with his grandchild looked just like my Dad. It not only gave me goose bumps, but also brought me and my family to tears. Shauna E., Tooele, Utah"

"Absolutely beautiful. I am only 70 now, but it makes me appreciate my deceased parents all the more. Very moving and beautiful. Thank you!"

"I just have to email you and tell you what a great impression this slideshow has been on me. I go to an Alzheimer's meeting every first Monday of each month. I wanted to have the members of our meetings see and hear it. Well hopefully they will get a chance to see and hear it. I am sending it to our instructress. Thank you so much for the opportunity to have it. From Rella Marin."

"This was the most moving e-mail I have received in a long time. Thank you mom for sending it to me. I will never forget all you and dad have done. GOD BLESS YOU AND EVERY FAMILY OUT THERE."

"Sooooo beautiful! Thanks!

"Simply put, the short video is very well done and has an excellent message."

"I am Danah, fourteen years old, from the Philippines. I never thought of how important my parents are. I would even answer back everytime I am scolded by my parents, or say mean things in front of them. Even if our school holds confession twice every school year, I keep on committing the same mistakes to my parents. However, as I saw this provoking presentation, it made me realize that I should treasure them, instead of despising them. And that, I should be thankful to the Lord, for giving me the most wonderful blessing a child could ever have- their parents.  To my mom and dad: Mama and Papa, For almost fifteen years, I have been a headache to you. I know that it's hard for your part to raise a child like me. So, I'm sorry. I don't know how to say this...But....I love you, guys. Really. I hope that you could forgive."

February 24,  2008

"My Mother just turned 85 and we have been in a hospice house in NH for 16 weeks now. The end is nearing. Nothing has moved me as much as this song/tribute/words. I cried like I haven't in the past 16 weeks and probably need to cry more. I don't know how I will get through the next few weeks. Your song, pictures and words will help me. Thank you so much for this moving tribute. Pat S."

"Thank you so much for reminding me how important my parents are to me…….Bless You!!!!!!!!!"

"Thank you so much. I do not have any children but helped to take care of two parents prior to their deaths. I did think of the sacrifices they made when my brother and I were raised and anything we could do for them was but a small token of appreciation. I have a slow dial up system in place and I thank you for making it possible for me to view this wonderful work. Karen in NJ"

"This is so beautiful. I nursed my own parents through their declining years and tried always to remember the love and patience they had shown to me, when their bodies and minds could no longer function well. I couldn't give them health or longevity but I tried always to give the two things I could: love and dignity. If I could change one thing about this presentation it would be to leave off the 'Mom and Dad' at the end. There are many, many single parents out there who would love to pass this on to their children but the 'mom and dad' thing isn't applicable."

"I'm a 57 year old mom sending this email to my daughter and son so that they may be patient, compassionate and understanding when it is my husband's and my time to be considered elderly. Hopefully, they will remember this beautiful portrayal and be kind and patient to us in our older years. Thank you. Bernadette Sheridan, Union, NJ"

"Thank you for the reminder!"

"Thank You! It takes me back to when I cared for my mother-in-law. I loved her so much and I remember so well the times that she would look at me and in her eyes I could see the very words of this presentation. I am thankful that I was able to read what they were saying. My love and respect for her out weighted any difficulties we may have encountered. She is truly missed and I hope upon hope that my own children will see me the same way. Sharleen Farrington, NF, Ont, Can"

"This is so beautiful and True, My mother is 92. This hits me so hard my heart aches, with so much wonder of where the years have gone and what she is going through now at age 92. I am a mother and grandmother and hope my children will be there for me when I am old and need their love, for no one knows what being old is really like till you get there. This video and music explains it all. Thank You!!! It opened my eyes to wanting to spend more time with my 92 year old MOM."

"You have done an excellent job with this video. At 73, it expresses many of my own thoughts and brought a tear to my eyes. Thank you for all your hard work in preserving this masterpiece."

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